Jen Cole
Jen Cole is an actress, model and influencer.
In this interview episode, we will know more about the very talented Jennifer Cole, an actress, model, influencer and a dancer. She’s been in Australia for 10 years and you probably saw her as MAXIM Australia’s cover.
Jen and I talked about a number of topics in our conversation including her career right now. She has gone through a Business Degree, to a Nursing Degree, modeling, creating, designing, and a mother. She’s a very strong-minded woman that really excel in her field and career. She also shared how she takes good care of her kid and making sure she grows up well. Jen’s passion and enthusiasm really show in everything she does. Know more about her in this episode and get inspired!

Full Transcript
Nick Abregu: Hey Google! Who’s the only person in this world who won’t Google anything.
Jen Cole: No, I will Google a thing. I try not to Google the things. I try to like actually think, because it’s so… like we just jump to Google straightaway and we don’t think.
Nick Abregu: I agree.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, you were just saying before, if you want to know something, right?
Jen Cole. I have to think about it.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Now we just think Google.
Nick Abregu: Exactly. What happens if Google just s*** the bed. What happens.
Jen Cole: Well then, we’re all stupid.
Nick Abregu: Waste of stuff.
Jen Cole: Yeah, pretty much.
Nick Abregu: I won’t be able to remember anyone’s birthdays. I won’t be able to remember the dates.
Jen Cole: That’s Facebook more but yeah.
Nick Abregu: I know. Thank God for that Facebook, right?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, for everyone listening at home, we have the very talented, Jennifer Cole?
Jen Cole: Yes.
Nick Abregu: Jen, where are you from? Where’s the extant from?
Jen Cole: I’m from Victoria. British Columbia in Canada which is West Coast of Canada. Been in Australia for 10 years now. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And you’re a snowboarder.
Jen Cole: I’m a snowboarder, definitely.
Nick Abregu: How good are you at snowboarding?
Jen Cole: Pretty good.
Nick Abregu: How good at a ten. Are you the double diamonds?
Jen Cole: Double diamonds is more for skiing but…
Nick Abregu: That’s what I’m trying to know about.
Jen Cole: Yeah, most like slopes, and like hills are fun for snowboarding but I cannot plough for like… yeah. But I’m good.
Nick Abregu: Lovely. So, how long have you been in Australia for?
Jen Cole: Ten years.
Nick Abregu: Welcome.
Jen Cole: Thank you. Ten years!
Nick Abregu: Do you feel like a local here?
Jen Cole: Getting there.
Nick Abregu: Yeah?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Lovely. So, tell us a little bit… so we have X amount of listeners. I think it’s about 20 million, but I don’t think so. It’s more like three? But tell us a little bit about… take us through your career. We’ll get that out of the way, so everyone knows a bit context about how awesome you are in the things that you do.
Jen Cole: My career right now, I’m not really working. No, so I come through, gosh, from a Business Degree, to a Nursing Degree, modeling, creating, designing, mother, yeah pretty much.
Nick Abregu: Actress?
Jen Cole: Acting. I wouldn’t say actress, I’m not… more of for fun, really. But more of just the artistic like the creative side of things I enjoy doing. I was a ballerina when I was younger and professionally…
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jen Cole: Yeah. I like the audacity, the actual part of it. And just the thinking process.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. My partner does… she was a ballerina. And its amazing how you guys can just go on your tippy toes. That is crazy! Doesn’t that… isn’t that just full of pain?
Jen Cole: It does, 20 years later.
Nick Abregu: That’s amazing.
Jen Cole: Ballet is great. I mean, for structure and just learning growing up. And how to use your body and how to take direction and yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, something that you’ve recently done is the UltraTune commercials?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I need to say that out of all the girls there that were on the, paddleboards? Your technique was the best technique.
Jen Cole: Thank you.
Nick Abregu: You’re right here, down there, crashing out, just paddling along.
Jen Cole: So, Pamela Anderson actually from the same island that I’m from, in Canada. So, she is sort of my idea to be on that. She’s like kind of an iconic person there. So, that was really cool like pretty much from the island like I’m from in Canada. Not a whole lot of people have come out of the island and done anything, so just so cool to have her down here.
Nick Abregu: So, what’s the amount of people that have succeeded in anything from there? Outside of the island rather.
Jen Cole: Steve Nash, basketball. Melanie Furtado.
Nick Abregu: Oh, really?
Jen Cole: There’s got to be more people, there’s a pianist but I can’t remember. Yeah, there’s a couple, but it’s just like… it’s a small Westcoast Island Vancouver.
Nick Abregu: You guys are like a clique. You guys are…
Jen Cole: Well, it’s an island. So, yeah.
Nick Abregu: Everyone knows each other.
Jen Cole: Yes.
Nick Abregu: How many people?
Jen Cole: Not a clue.
Nick Abregu: Perfect.
Jen Cole: You ask about the population was, population all over. I don’t know. Do you?
Nick Abregu: No. I have no…
Jen Cole: So, see?
Nick Abregu: Isn’t it like 20 million?
Jen Cole: You sure?
Nick Abregu: Wait, that’s Australia. That’s all in Australia.
Jen Cole: Exactly, right?
Nick Abregu: Don’t worry about that.
Jen Cole. No, I don’t know. But it’s not very big.
Nick Abregu: So, you’re an amazing mum of two? Of a 2-year old?
Jen Cole: A 2-year old. Only one that I know of.
Nick Abregu: How’s that…
Jen Cole: She’s crazy.
Nick Abregu: Is she?
Jen Cole: Yeah. She’s great. She’s cheeky. She’s very a… she’s like me too. It’s kind of scary. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Is it… was it hard to become a mother? I mean, there’s so much responsibility.
Jen Cole: I think people psyche you out a lot like I think people really, you know, be careful this, this, this, I don’t know being a nurse, and just like… I’m like things are gonna happen, whatever. Yeah, you don’t know what you’re doing but no one knows what they’re doing, right? And babies are babies. You just… you’ve learned. And she is smart. Like she is aware of everything going on. She’s cheeky. She finds like the way he’s a person in the room. There’s also somebody like, she’s your boy. And that will do everything for her.
Nick Abregu: Wow. I’ve watched a show on Netflix about babies. And the only thing that I came out with from watching that is that they’re just master manipulators.
Jen Cole: oh, absolutely!
Nick Abregu: Are they? Okay.
Jen Cole: Absolutely! Absolutely. We have stayed in a hotel once for quite of four weeks and the room service would come in the morning. And she kept tripping. And I’m like, why is she keep tripping? And the thing that she’s doing and all over her, “Ah!” She’s literally doing this like doing this to manipulate. That was like for a year old.
Nick Abregu: That was a daunting thing.
Jen Cole: Yeah, and they drop in their water bottles, seeing who will pick it up. Yeah, literally just looking around and then drop. I’m like, oh my gosh. I’ll tell the hotel staff, “Please, do not pick it up.”
Nick Abregu: Oh, my goodness. It’s a… I guess its part of life, right? How was your… when you grow up on the island? Was it in a loving family?
Jen Cole: Not really. I mean, I want stage, but I pretty much grew up with my dad. Was a bit of a rebellious child.
Nick Abregu: Were you?
Jen Cole: Yeah. When I said b… like, I did really well in school. I was a ballerina, I did like, all the things added to it but I was a wild child for sure.
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jen Cole: Yeah. Always getting into trouble. But like, not enough trouble but it was trouble. Troubled but I can get my way out of it. I always worked and went to business school got my grade and stuff but yeah, it’s definitely a wild one.
Nick Abregu: What did… it’s…
Jen Cole: I think I’m still a wild one.
Nick Abregu: I don’t like to call it wild. I like to call it very strong minded. Because that’s essentially… it’s just channeling there. Right? You become strong. Like, a lot of entrepreneurs; you would call them crazy or you would call them like loose cannons or whatever but really there’s just… it’s this energy and mentality that they have, that they have to redirect into the right focus and then they just excel. It’s crazy.
Jen Cole: Interesting places.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Other countries.
Nick Abregu: Where does your craziness take you?
Jen Cole: Well, here. Australia.
Nick Abregu: You’d be crazy to come and live here right?
Jen Cole: No. Literally. My girlfriend lives down here and she was like come. She was in Sydney and I was like; okay. And within by 5 days I booked a ticket and she was like, I’m in a place called Melbourne and I was like; okay. Melbourne… sure. And I went to flight center and I find a one-way ticket to Melbourne and I stayed.
Nick Abregu: You packed all your staff and just came? Or you just came to visit first? And…
Jen Cole: Yeah. Like I said, 5 days. Bag packed and came down and yeah, I stayed ever since.
Nick Abregu: You love it? Is it the best decision you made?
Jen Cole: I think so. I’m still here. Yeah. It’s like Australia is so far away from the rest of the world and it takes forever to get anywhere but it’s good to get here out of home.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. Did you have… when you came here, were you modeling?
Jen Cole: Nope. Actually, when I came here, I was a stripper for 9 months.
Nick Abregu: Okay.
Jen Cole: It was great.
Nick Abregu: It is better doing it here than in the states?
Jen Cole: I never have done it in the states.
Nick Abregu: Oh really?
Jen Cole: No. No. I was a ballerina.
Nick Abregu: Well, you’ve got to dance also.
Jen Cole: Yeah. That was like, 9 months and being a backpacker payroll and cash was great. It’s a perfect way to party and have fun. But that was 10 years ago. So, and then I did my dressing dream.
Nick Abregu: So, for 9 months, you did that and then after that you…
Jen Cole: And then I had a boyfriend and then I went to school. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Did you love business school?
Jen Cole: So, I did business in Canada, but my nursing degree here.
Nick Abregu: Nice! Did you ever start a business?
Jen Cole: No.
Nick Abregu: You have all the knowledge, but you got to know how.
Jen Cole: Yup. You’ve got to have the balls to actually get there, to do that.
Nick Abregu: But it’s never too late. I mean, did you always want it?
Jen Cole: Yeah. But nothing has really caught my… I don’t know. Nothing like super driven to do yet. My mind is too scattered. Lots of little things that I have to focus.
Nick Abregu: Doesn’t that just kill your creativity?
Jen Cole: What?
Nick Abregu: Like when you got so many things going on in your mind?
Jen Cole: No! I think it’s hard… I think being creative, it’s like; it’s not hard but it’s just to be original these days like everything is just a replica. And almost like when you do come up with something that’s original, you don’t… you must keep it to yourself because people just copycat everything. Instagram really killed like art.
Nick Abregu: I agree. I’ve seen some of your shoots. Actually, if the listeners want to know, we met through photographer that also did some of your shoots. And, I saw one of them, and I’m like; dude that is the most… this is before I knew you. I said; that is the most amazing shot I’ve ever seen. It was the one; it has a sheet over you. Like a plastic sheet? That was amazing. To me, it tells so much of a story.
Jen Cole: I like photographers like that actual… like frameworks. The once that you can put on your wall. But that’s the kind of stuff that you like to keep on yourself. Like; you have so many cool images, but you don’t wanna put them on Instagram to like show them. Because someone’s gonna copy them and you just download it.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. So, as soon as Instagram came out. Everyone became a photographer.
Jen Cole: Yeah, exactly right? And then everyone copies everybody. And it’s really… you have to look at so many different things to come up with an original idea that’s like never been done before. That’s the hard part.
Nick Abregu: I think it’s a nice thing that everyone has the confidence to go out and showcase what is going on in their head through photography. I think that’s, beautiful but in abundance? When you look at it in a bigger scale, it’s just change.
Jen Cole: In abundance, and the art form of like; lighting and thinking and styling things by just air brushing it and you know.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Kind of, takes away in the image.
Nick Abregu: So, I am very similar to you. Like I have a million things going on in my head. And it’s…
Jen Cole: You can’t sleep sometimes yeah.
Nick Abregu: Sometimes I can’t get to sleep until 4am in the morning.
Jen Cole: Yes! I’m the same way, right? Everyone’s asleep, now I can think.
Nick Abregu: Actually, when it takes me up, it’s like 3 in the morning. And I’m like; yeah…
Jen Cole: Yeah because that seems to be my time to think. I’m like; everyone’s asleep. Now, I can focus.
Nick Abregu: When we did a lot of business in the States from here, my nighttime was just filled with creative thinking because it’s… my clients were overseas. So, I never had that downtime, and now that my clients are only in Australia and Europe. It’s like; I have that quite time and I just find it that that’s where I do all my thinking It’s not good sometimes, it’s just…
Jen Cole: I know it’s funny. It’s literally quiet, I don’t have a TV on, I don’t have music on but I’m just painting, writing and doing something and it’s almost creepy because it’s like there’s nothing but me just thinking.
Nick Abregu: So, how do you deal with you’re a Mom during the day and the baby goes asleep at nighttime and you’ve got all this…
Jen Cole: And then, I turn into not a mom, just kidding. The thing is like; I don’t like painting or doing that stuff when she’s around. Because it can conceive you…
Nick Abregu: Yes.
Jen Cole: And you know, an hour can go by really easily. And you don’t notice it that, that’s your time. So, that’s why, when she’s asleep.
Nick Abregu: Do they demand a lot of your time? Or, does she demand a lot of your time?
Jen Cole: 24/7 yeah.
Nick Abregu: Especially at such a young age.
Jen Cole: She goes to cry for like 3 days. She’s pretty tired when she comes home but like, they wanna be in your space and they copy you and everything like simple things but yeah. It’s cute, it’s annoying but… I’m like; we have big apartment like you can be in another space but not right here right now.
Nick Abregu: A friend of mine was telling me that he realized that his two kids, they don’t listen to what he says but they do what he does. Like, seeing what the dad does is so much more influential than what they actually say.
Jen Cole: They act like they are not paying attention, but they are. They are just observing, they’re observing the room.
Nick Abregu: Which is a scary thought right?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Like you need to be a good person. You need to show your kid that you’re a good person.
Jen Cole: When I say stop swearing. Like, trust me, stop, don’t. Like; she’s watching. She’s pretending she’s not but she’s watching. I’ve got her on the Chicago Musicals… anyways, we used to end up some sort of dancing rendition while she’s having dinner and she’s knows like all of Chicago now which is funny. We went into this water pistol at Luna Park and there was one of the songs, probably not best mom but like yeah. Anyways, she’s got a little part of the song and that’s cute.
Nick Abregu: Lovely. Is there anything that you wanna keep your kid away from at this age? I mean, besides the obvious stuffs like…
Jen Cole: Finding out about my job maybe. Like how naughty I was. No she’s… I mean, you can’t really keep anything away from your kid these days like, really. I mean you can, but as soon as she goes to a computer, everything is kidda like gone. I don’t give her my phone, that’s one thing I let her play on everything else coz I will not give here my iPhone.
Nick Abregu: Why not?
Jen Cole: Because… No! There’s a whole world to look out. We did not grow up with the phones in our hands.
Nick Abregu: Yes.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And we literally fly probably once a week and I don’t give her the phone while on the airplane at all.
Nick Abregu: Wow.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And she says hi to everybody. Like if we are in the city and she walks; Hi! Hi! Hi!
Nick Abregu: Oh, that’s lovely.
Jen Cole: Coz everyone is looking down. She understands like air pods. I was like, honey they got air pods on then she understands…
Nick Abregu: It that so sad?
Jen Cole: Coz they don’t look… Everyone is looking down. When you have… when you’re pushing a stroller, you’ll get off your phone. Yeah that’s interesting.
Nick Abregu: So, I was with a friend of mine in Peron. And we were talking his baby for a walk and it’s kidda like a little but late. Like 8PM, the baby is going to sleep, and it was just, it wasn’t a nice environment to be in and I felt so protective of his child. Like; I don’t want it to see… it’s like six months old and I was so protective that I didn’t want it to expose itself into any bad stuff happening or like any doggy shit going on, that’s like the fatherly instinct to me going out. But he was like no, it’s okay, babies don’t even…
Jen Cole: They don’t notice. It’s good time to travel into that small town too.
Nick Abregu: Is it?
Jen Cole: Yeah. Coz they this role overdue or anything.
Nick Abregu: Was it scary to be a mom? Where talking about this…
Jen Cole: Babies? Coz you’re having a baby. This is a chat for you.
Nick Abregu: You’re consulting me.
Jen Cole: I think everybody tries to psych like it’s really scary like; I don’t think that we do it on purpose but like, you’re gonna have a baby. Babies need to be fed, they need to be kept warm, and you have to change the diapers, you need to cuddle like there are a few basic things. You go through the lists and they are still unwell, or they are not happy then maybe there is something wrong. There are a couple of things you have to think about. They don’t do much for a while eat, sleep, poop, cuddles, they are really boring to be honest with you. They are like just blobs especially for dads. I mean they can talk, and they can do stuff, which is far more interesting, scary though too. Coz you’re like; oh, you’re moving now. Like, I don’t wanna…
Nick Abregu: I still think like mothers are just super humans. They are so, different to men, it’s just you guys are just this…
Jen Cole: We don’t have a chance, or options right? It’s like we have to. You have to be there.
Nick Abregu: Did you have that calling in you? Like, that you wanted a baby.
Jen Cole: Everyone wants a child, but I wouldn’t say… It was like, of chance child. She’s great; she’s the best thing ever. She’s a total mini me but way cooler.
Nick Abregu: So, I was reading a little bit about how… I want to talk to about the Autotune Commissions.
Jen Cole: Sure.
Nick Abregu: Where did that inspiration came from?
Jen Cole: Well, being from Victoria. I said like, why don’t we have a woman? Like a star in the Ad because obviously they are getting complaints about being sexists this and that. So, Pamela Anderson was like blond and iconic. Like, who doesn’t love Pamela Anderson? So, I was about having a woman save the day. Obviously, the ads are completely like Ludacris and they are there to make people laugh. Nobody wants to see just to guys mechanics like come on, right? Likes it’s for controversy. And this one is the first one that hasn’t actually been removed. So…
Nick Abregu: The other one got removed?
Jen Cole: All of them have been… eventually complained and removed.
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Who would complain about this?
Jen Cole: Every woman’s group out there.
Nick Abregu: No!!!
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: What happened to empowering woman?
Jen Cole: Because it’s… I don’t know. Sexist this and that. Woman can’t drive, woman like this, portraying like this. Too much this, too much that.
Nick Abregu: Right. Okay, the sexist thing.
Jen Cole: This one actually got the most complaints but somehow surpassed not getting cut-off there. Which I felt really proud of because I didn’t have every invite like the bottom of the mail, but the Star, I did. Which is kinda cool.
Nick Abregu: It’s sad that Australia was so pissy about something about that.
Jen Cole: I think it’s just like… I think we are a bit of over-sensitive.
Nick Abregu: We are becoming differently.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Big boobs and cars kidda go together. I mean at least that’s… I don’t know.
Nick Abregu: But for a long time, it stops. It stopped and then you guys put it back in and it did have that impact.
Jen Cole: It’s just like I remember my dad’s a mechanic. I remember growing up like guys picking up girls on cars. It’s just girls aren’t to allow to be sexy and guys aren’t allowed to be masculine anymore. I don’t know. I mean there’s a point in between of course but like guys are guys and girls are girls. Some of us are different that’s fine but I don’t think there is anything wrong with it
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: And the comments that you get on this like on the Facebook pages and stuff it’s just people complaining about; oh, this one is too plastic, this one is too… this is too that. Really? Like if this upsets you that much maybe you need to think of something else.
Nick Abregu: Exactly yeah!
Jen Cole: All of us know that we all know what we look like and we are okay with that. I mean I don’t mind if you look like that.
Nick Abregu: For us, when we have clients that are going on film. A lot of them are like… because they are not actors or actresses; they hate the way they look. So, the perfect take would take 5 takes because they don’t like the way they move, they don’t like the way they look and I’m like; you look the way you look. Get over it, people see you like that every day. You are fine.
Jen Cole: You are just gonna over edit yourself to the point where you won’t…
Nick Abregu: And it’s sad that that’s the case. Because it just shows me that people were not happy with what they look like.
Jen Cole: We become so insecure and then come Snapchat filters and then it’s like; that’s not what they look like in real life. It’s just not.
Nick Abregu: I noticed my phone; it does this thing like it smooths out your face.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I don’t like that. That’s not me. It’s embedded in the phone so that can be happier with the way they look.
Jen Cole: What phone is that? I don’t think I have that.
Nick Abregu: This is Samsung.
Jen Cole: Oh, the new Samsung.
Nick Abregu: Yup. Shout out!
Jen Cole: I think I heard about it. I’m like I had to go to Samsung Shop for that one. It is. I mean, I don’t know. Yeah. It’s interesting what does gonna happen in the next couple of weeks right? Coz we’re all stuck at home or supposed to be stuck at home. Obviously, the internet is going to be like through the roof.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: It could be a good time to making porn, I think.
Nick Abregu: You making?
Jen Cole: No. You think so?
Nick Abregu: Because the ones that are home, they are usually stuffs like this happens. Porn goes through the roof. The demand of viewership.
Jen Cole: How many webcams?
Nick Abregu: Oh yeah that’s true.
Jen Cole: Right? Oh, wait why did I ask that? I was like, what would people do? People are gonna be buying art right now or buy anything. They are gonna be sitting at home. Netflix will be going great.
Nick Abregu: I remember. The last pandemic. Well, is it pandemic or epidemic?
Jen Cole: It’s a pandemic right now.
Nick Abregu: What’s the difference?
Jen Cole: I would google it, but I don’t. Can we call a friend?
Nick Abregu: One of those.
Jen Cole: Let me think about it. Pan and epidemic.
Nick Abregu: I feel so dumb right now.
Jen Cole: See? I can make you think.
Nick Abregu: Australian education is just…
Jen Cole: I’m Canadian education. We’re in a pandemic but I don’t know that difference right now. But they’re different.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. But you are definitely right. Like Webstaff, Web… anything that has to do with the web is gonna go through the roof.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: But then you have the other problem, that everyone at home needs internet. So, the internet slowdown. So, it’s not…
Jen Cole: I never want to become a doctor or nurse. I’m just like; okay. Oh no, Corona Virus. I’m not talking about it.
Nick Abregu: Delete.
Jen Cole: Delete! Delete! I’m not going down that fast.
Nick Abregu: Can I ask, have you ever ventured on that track? On the adult entertainment?
Jen Cole: No.
Nick Abregu: Is it ever wanted to be something that you wanted to do?
Jen Cole: No. But it’s just liked a funny thing because right now, you probably can make a lot of money doing it.
Nick Abregu: I would do it, but I look like my logo which is the Gorilla so…
Jen Cole: Hey! That good be a thing.
Nick Abregu: A fetish thing, right? Maybe.
Jen Cole: Everyone needs to survive this tough time, right? I’m sure there is a market for it. And no one would know if you would put it on. Like, no?
Nick Abregu: I… what I was thinking…
Jen Cole: How did you think about that idea?
Nick Abregu: I remember watching a TV show once a few years ago. This group of people would dress up like animals and they go on the middle of the dessert and they do the sexual…
Jen Cole: Is this a TV show or Porn?
Nick Abregu: No. They were documenting the crazy shit that people do. So, they would dress up in animal costumes like bear costumes, big bunny or whatever and they go into the middle of the dessert and they would get that shit on, right?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And then there’s one guy. I think he was high on LSD or something…
Jen Cole: I would think they are all high on something yeah.
Nick Abregu: He would venture to the wrong section and then he encountered a real bear.
Jen Cole: For what purpose?
Nick Abregu: And he was like, flirting with a bear and the bear just ripped him apart. Unfortunately for this guy.
Jen Cole: Yeah that’s pretty fucked.
Nick Abregu: That’s so fucked up right?
Jen Cole: And no one noticed? Like hey dude that’s a real bear. Come one and pretend one.
Nick Abregu: No one noticed. Is that so fucked up?
Jen Cole: That’s so fucked up.
Nick Abregu: Alright I have to search for it. I’ll link it to you.
Jen Cole: Is this for a girl who I came from?
Nick Abregu: Okay so, this is how it all started.
Jen Cole: Where did the name come from?
Nick Abregu: GorillaCo?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, when you encounter a Gorilla, in the forest. It’s a very dominant presence. Right? Even our logo is like; it’s just this Gorilla just staring you down in the eye and say; we’re gonna dominate. Our whole thing is we help other businesses dominate their industry.
Jen Cole: What that video game? Donkey Kong?
Nick Abregu: Donkey Kong!
Jen Cole: Sorry.
Nick Abregu: Yes.
Jen Cole: Yeah
Nick Abregu: I actually hated that game.
Jen Cole: No, I didn’t mind it.
Nick Abregu: Didn’t you?
Jen Cole: That was Sony. Or, that was the other one, right?
Nick Abregu: I like Sonic the Hedgehog.
Jen Cole: Donkey Kong. Dong… Sonic…
Nick Abregu: Nintendo.
Jen Cole: Nintendo. Yeah!
Nick Abregu: That’s the one.
Jen Cole: But that was the other one. Donkey Kong.
Nick Abregu: Was it?
Jen Cole: I don’t know. Sorry. I’m taking your story. Gorillas dominate, yes, they do.
Nick Abregu: So, it’s very dominating.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And we have companies essentially get as much market share in the industry. So, we help them dominate everyone else.
Jen Cole: Something like; move b****. Get out of the way.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. Exactly. We wanna make the competitors cry.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: That there are not getting any other business.
Jen Cole: Yeah. That’s good. Just crush them.
Nick Abregu: And Koko… Right. So, GorillaCo.Co that’s the website. So, Koko the Gorilla, was actually the Gorilla.
Jen Cole: Oh, is it Koko the Gorilla?
Nick Abregu: Koko the Gorilla. Yeah. Because it’s not liked the silent edition.
Jen Cole: Now, she’s a cute Gorilla. It’s a girl now.
Nick Abregu: Yeah, it’s cute. It’s a cute dominating Gorilla wanna…
Jen Cole: So, Koko acts like… Koko Cruz, that’s her real name.
Nick Abregu: Oh really? Because of the Gorilla?
Jen Cole: No. Her name is Koko Cruz so, now your girl as not gonna be a girl.
Nick Abregu: Lovely. Cruz is your middle?
Jen Cole: Just her first name.
Nick Abregu: It’s her first name. Yeah.
Jen Cole: And then, I kinda stole it and made it part of my name.
Nick Abregu: Lovely.
Jen Cole: Yeah
Nick Abregu: I like it Cruz…
Jen Cole: Speaking mom.
Nick Abregu: Take itchy from a mosquito. Lovely.
Jen Cole: Kids can have like 8 names, now right? I feel like that, I like it. I like it too. We kind of argue of this stuff.
Nick Abregu: Well, coming from a Latin background, I’ve got like 4 names.
Jen Cole: Yeah. So, what are you thinking for the child?
Nick Abregu: Just one. I don’t wanna mess this kid up. Do you know how hard it is for me growing up? Having like 3 or 4 names. Like; 3 names and the surname?
Jen Cole: What’s your full name?
Nick Abregu: Lucas Walter Nicholas Abregu.
Jen Cole: The last part is not the amazing part but, you’re alright.
Nick Abregu: And, this is the s***iest thing, everyone in my family game me a name. So, each one corresponds to like; one should be my dads’, one is my brothers’ one is my moms’. Because my mom wanted that name as the primary one. But it did not flow because if you put Nicholas at the start, it just doesn’t flow. So, all my life, they call me Nick or Nicholas or whatever… Do you know… explaining this to people. See? This took a minute and a half. Right, imagine growing up explaining that to people…
Jen Cole: It’s like normal now to have that longer name though, right? But I can get it but yeah. You know when a kid has to right his name this long…
Nick Abregu: Not even my passport has my full name on. And, my last name is just like… Dad!
Jen Cole: Yeah. We lost track of…
Nick Abregu: So, I’m very identifiable, I guess.
Jen Cole: Oh, that’s funny. So, what are you thinking though for a name for the child? For girl or boy? Ever thought of anything?
Nick Abregu: I like Maddi.
Jen Cole: Maddi?
Nick Abregu: Maddi o Maddis… I like Maddi.
Jen Cole: For a girl?
Nick Abregu: For a girl, yeah. I haven’t thought about for a boy.
Jen Cole: Maddi… for a boy…
Nick Abregu: My Dads’ name is Armando, maybe somewhere their we can put that in. That is very South American isn’t it?
Jen Cole: In the girls’ name?
Nick Abregu: In the boy’s name.
Jen Cole: Oh, sorry. Maddi Armando.
Nick Abregu: Maddi… oh, that’s good. Maddi Armando.
Jen Cole: You got to say it sexy…
Nick Abregu: You got to say it…. Sexy… yeah… Maddi Armando (Sexy Voice)
Jen Cole: Your kids are gonna be like…
Nick Abregu: Started like the next Narcos… Do you watch Narcos?
Jen Cole: I love Narcos. Yeah!
Nick Abregu: Isn’t it so good?
Jen Cole: Yeah. I love putting it on. So, it’s Spanish. But I never watched it because I was just wandering around the house. So, like I’ve watched the same for a hundred times and I don’t know what’s going on.
Nick Abregu: Dude, watch the Episode of the Mexican one? Whilst there are two kids playing with the guns.
Jen Cole: I think so. I think, I have watched all of them.
Nick Abregu: And then they go to the… so they are that they are in a war, right? These two young kids. One of them is carrying gun and one of them is carrying a machete. And then, they go to their made, and then they would go; you’re a prisoner now, walk out here and do whatever and then they shoot her. Like kids shot here with a gun.
Jen Cole: They were pretty gangster.
Nick Abregu: Oh, man.
Jen Cole: Like, I have a crush on all of the Escobar. Like, can you get a gel… Like… this guy is a legend.
Nick Abregu: You know… So many business lessons to be learned.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Like, so many. I think if you wanna learn how to run a successful business…
Jen Cole: Study the Cartels.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. So, they get all this money. Regardless of how they got the money, I know they are all selling drugs whatever but, you could have a business or whatever. I don’t know if that’s equal or just the same thing. And then they just diversify and then they get so many… They just invest in everything.
Jen Cole: They treat people nicely, or they shoot you.
Nick Abregu: Just get out of the way.
Jen Cole: Yeah. But Hey! It’s interesting.
Nick Abregu: Have you been to those areas? I’ve been in some.
Jen Cole: I was actually going to Mexico in Tuesday for a wedding.
Nick Abregu: Yes.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: In Mexico City?
Jen Cole: No. No one goes to Mexico City really. Cable.
Nick Abregu: Okay. Alright.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And I was literally going to go. Until, they cancelled all the flights.
Nick Abregu: That sucks.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Just sucks. Mexico’s amazing.
Nick Abregu: I heard that’s a very beautiful place.
Jen Cole: Mexico is awesome. Yeah. I mean, there’s corruption but there is corruption everywhere. Like that’s just… Yeah
Nick Abregu: Yeah. Exactly. I mean, it’s the same.
Jen Cole: Yeah. I’d rather be in a corrupt Mexico than being in some places…. You know.
Nick Abregu: Because they got those beautiful beaches.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Beautiful beaches, girls and you know, partying and you know. It’s good.
Nick Abregu: So, I went to Cancún in about 5 years ago with a friend, the beaches were phenomenal. It’s like that turquoise beautiful color and the sand is so white and the parties are fun. Everything is fun.
Jen Cole: They’re messy.
Nick Abregu: They are messy. Have you got any interesting party stories that you would like to share? What a craziest s***…
Jen Cole: We’ve been like all day.
Nick Abregu: What’s the craziest s*** that has ever happened?
Jen Cole: The craziest… those are the ones that you don’t talk.
Nick Abregu: Let’s not put anyone in jail for…
Jen Cole: That’s just stupid if you end up in jail. That means you’ve done something really wrong. That’s like a good night going bad. I don’t know. Yeah. Pink stuff.
Nick Abregu: Alright, that was the thing. That’s the thing alright.
Jen Cole: Right? The good night you don’t talk about.
Nick Abregu: Have you had a lot of crazy nights?
Jen Cole: When I was younger. I don’t think I am that cool anymore to like… Like I don’t get any more calling.
Nick Abregu: No one is uncool like me. I’m very uncool.
Jen Cole: No. I am not having it anymore no. That makes me kinda feel like sick talking about that.
Nick Abregu: I bet, you were partying all the time? Or…
Jen Cole: No. Just going to the club and we are like mirage dance.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: But it’s fun to dance sometimes.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Maybe but, you know. No. I probably just at like a lounge or something.
Nick Abregu: And just chill out yeah?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Our conversation with someone. Like a good someone is priceless.
Jen Cole: Yeah. That too. And usually, if I put expensive shoes on that are made for walking and like you know…
Nick Abregu: Just make it happen
Jen Cole: Like itself. Yeah. I have a little daughter too now. So, she’s annoying when you’re hungover. I would hire a nanny that would take this girl over night and then bring her back the next day.
Nick Abregu: You have a nanny?
Jen Cole: Just once a week.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Rather than coming home at 2 A.M and bring us back the next day.
Nick Abregu: That makes it easier.
Jen Cole: Well, it just makes more sense, right? Then waking up a child late. And… how do you recommend any… or if you need any help.
Nick Abregu: A friend of mine has got 4 Au pairs. Is that what they call it? Au pairs?
Jen Cole: Aha.
Nick Abregu: 4 of them.
Jen Cole: Wow!
Nick Abregu: Like, they just run a systematic household. Like everything is just said and done and like they just live a good life. And they can spend a lot of time with their kids and all of the horrible things they don’t have to do.
Jen Cole: Yeah. That’s good.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: I just my 1 night from lucky out.
Nick Abregu: But it’s important for sanity.
Jen Cole: Oh, it’s so important for sanity. Yeah, definitely. But, like she’s a cool kid. I bring her pretty much everywhere I go. Some juice. She knows life. She goes to Noble once a week. She’s there, she’s on fights. She’s adaptable. She’s not a picky child. She’s wonderful.
Nick Abregu: Especially if you expose him to that from an early age, like; it’s just the norm, right?
Jen Cole: Yeah. Yeah. Not that NOBO is the norm for everyone really but,
Nick Abregu: Well, I don’t even know what that is.
Jen Cole: NOBO like Crown. So, she goes to this restaurant sometimes. So…
Nick Abregu: I thought that was like a day care center of something.
Jen Cole: NOBO.
Nick Abregu: NOBO yes of course.
Jen Cole: She goes to a really 101 Collins, in the city. Really nice day care center there. Which is great like day care is a must.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: For sure right? I mean, they develops skills, and…
Jen Cole: Friends, yeah. Definitely. They have to.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah. You can’t just have that much stuff at home.
Nick Abregu: Do you have a good group of people that you surround yourself with? With other kids?
Jen Cole: No. Not really. Most of my friends don’t have children.
Nick Abregu: So, you are the first one. You are leading the way.
Jen Cole: Well, some of the do but. Yeah, kind of. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Do they love that you have a kid?
Jen Cole: She’s a cook kid. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I mean does your friends love that you have a kid? Wow! This is amazing.
Jen Cole: Honestly, think that most or a lot of my friends wanna have kids.
Nick Abregu: Really? It starts with one, right?
Jen Cole: Because she is a pretty cool kid. We got some friends in the mirror together and then she does this splits and dance. And then literally like dance like it’s cute.
Nick Abregu: What have you done? All you friends are going to have kids and all of you are gonna go like, Mothers’ Club.
Jen Cole: No. Yeah. It was a small family but mostly I turned to my dad. My dad and myself.
Nick Abregu: Was he a good dad to you?
Jen Cole: Yeah. He… Everyone else denied that she would have a problem and pretty much ostracized us, and she still has a problem. Can’t really deny it now but yeah. It did totally separate everything.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, the importance of… Oh man, the importance of just being a good parent regardless of what’s going on. Just be a good parent to your kid. Don’t ever s***talk the other partner. If you separate just accept what’s going on and make sure that the kid has the world.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And we all have our flaws, right? And we all have things that we are good at and things that we are not good at and obviously, I don’t have big family but I’m here by myself and like my girlfriend comes and help to look after my girl. You know, exposing her to more people, I think is better. As long as… everyone swears these days; it’s so hard. On Facetime though today, she literally said the F word on face. I’m like, she never said that before. Oh my gosh. Someone is swearing way too much around my child.
Nick Abregu: Who is it?
Jen Cole: I know who it is. Her dad. But, exposing your child to more people that you do trust. They learn from. And we can’t teach our child everything because we do not know everything. Which is don’t?
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: So, yeah. I’m not that protective but I’m… yeah.
Nick Abregu: Well, I like the philosophy that you’ve got. Just get them to meet as many different people.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And just yeah
Nick Abregu: It makes them independent. It makes them…
Jen Cole: Well, I think their looking up at the sky thing. Like, when I watch kids their frames in their phone, they don’t look up. We don’t even look adults when we won’t get in anymore. We don’t notice cool buildings, or what’s new on the store because we are on out phones. We just forgot to look at the world.
Nick Abregu: That’s an interesting point of view actually.
Jen Cole: Weather it’s texting or writing emails. We’re doing this, we’re doing that. Many of your dreams can walk by you and you won’t notice.
Nick Abregu: It will kill all of your dreams. Let’s not be sexist here, there’s…
Jen Cole: Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? It’s just interesting and when you happen to push a friend. If you are on your phone, it’s about looking okay. Well, and it makes you… yeah, just a lot more aware.
Nick Abregu: No one talks to each other anymore.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: That’s why I love the…
Jen Cole: Like you talk to everyone, but I don’t know if they hear. And, it’s almost like you catch them off guard. Like; Hi! Hi!… Oh! Hi! Yeah, seriously. We don’t talk to each other anymore.
Nick Abregu: So sad. That’s why I love the art of Podcasting. You’re just having a conversation, like; I always forget that we are recording. To me, no filter. But I think it’s so nice to be able to connect with someone and theirs is nothing else to destruct us, other than just learning about each other.
Jen Cole: Yeah. I figure you have beautiful eyes.
Nick Abregu: Thank you.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And the candle. Do you like this candle? This smells quite nice.
Jen Cole: That smells nice actually. It’s not real, aren’t they?
Nick Abregu: Yeah, you can have one if you would like.
Jen Cole: But this isn’t…
Nick Abregu: No. No. Hey, don’t tell anyone.
Jen Cole: Sorry.
Nick Abregu: This comes with a delay…
Jen Cole: It’s kind of like a thanksgiving, Chinese looking Asian display. Are they a 2-dollar shop kind of…?
Nick Abregu: Thank you. That’s the look we are going for here.
Jen Cole: It smells good though.
Nick Abregu: I feel like we are in the medieval times?
Jen Cole: Kind of yeah. A little bit of the medieval times.
Nick Abregu: We need like a pick or like a… Are you a meaty?
Jen Cole: No. I’m vegetarian.
Nick Abregu: Okay. Maybe a bouquet of vegetables and…
Jen Cole: Yeah. It’s like I should treat her like a brown…
Nick Abregu: Vegetarian, okay. Alright. What’s going on there?
Jen Cole: Since I was 9.
Nick Abregu: What?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Wow!
Jen Cole: Yeah. One of those new aged ones.
Nick Abregu: Old school.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: You just, don’t like…
Jen Cole: When I was 9, I dance and kicked out of the school. So that was away from home and I loved animals and my parents were there so, I decided to be a vegetarian.
Nick Abregu: Wow.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And since then,
Nick Abregu: Okay. What’s the best thing that you eat? Like, what’s the best thing that when you ate, you were like; I love this.
Jen Cole: I hate cooking first of all.
Nick Abregu: No.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Not into cooking at all. Not my thing. I don’t care, I grew up with my dad and we didn’t cook. We had shakes and wraps. But there is so many good like fake meat stuff now like from beyond beef. When I was 9, we just other a sandwich without the meat.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Do you love the taste of eat though?
Jen Cole: I haven’t really had it since I was 9.
Nick Abregu: So, you do not know what’s…
Jen Cole: I mean, I remember that it’s tasting good, but you can get like pretend its chicken nuggets and this and that. Lord of the fries is pretty close and stuff like that. But I mean, I’m not gonna eat meat. My child doesn’t eat meat. She wants to on day and when I fount out I would slap her.
Nick Abregu: You are like; get out.
Jen Cole: You are not cooking meat in this kitchen. Mom, you would use it anyway. That’s true. No, I’m not gonna eat there. Like each of their own. But no, it’s just not my thing.
Nick Abregu: Do you eat eggs?
Jen Cole: I do. I try not to, but I like vegan cheese, I love vegan eggs.
Nick Abregu: I tried to make vegan mayonnaise. So, was a vegan for 3 months because I had a partner and she was vegan, and I was just being a nice guy. But I learned to cook vegan things and vegan mayonnaise is the worst thing I’ve ever tried in my entire life.
Jen Cole: Vegannaise is good. I think you can get it from safe layer. Wollies.
Nick Abregu: Do you think I can do it for 10 years.
Jen Cole: They are the same in their dream. I don’t know. Petrol gas whatever. Anyways, it’s actually really good. I’ll buy you some.
Nick Abregu: Please.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Every time I see a… stuck up from the beginning.
Nick Abregu: I’m always terrified to eat those things especially the fake meats.
Jen Cole: You’re terrified to eat fake meats.
Nick Abregu: I’m like what’s in there.
Jen Cole: Well, what’s in the real meat?
Nick Abregu: Just…
Jen Cole: Death!
Nick Abregu: Exactly. That’s a…
Jen Cole: You just saw it.
Nick Abregu: But it has a high estrogen isn’t it? Doesn’t it give man boobs? Doesn’t it the thing that it does?
Jen Cole: No. Have you seen Game Changers?
Nick Abregu: No.
Jen Cole: Watch Game Changers.
Nick Abregu: Is it about the…
Jen Cole: Vegans
Nick Abregu: Is it a lot of blood like…
Jen Cole: No. It is actually about athletes that are vegans and just about… Even Arnold Schwarzenegger is a part of it. Just about our concept of protein and like getting protein from animals. And like how much damage is does to the world. This is not why I became a vegetarian, no. Just become of too much forward thinking. But think of the amount of damage like, to feed animals to kill them like how much it consumes our earth.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: It’s actually a really good Documentary.
Nick Abregu: Well, I’m a huge fan of genetically modified foods.
Jen Cole: You are?
Nick Abregu: Not for nutrition wise but because, so many people are being born and we don’t have enough farming land. So, when we can genetically modified food, we’re gonna be able to somehow put an end to the starvation of…
Jen Cole: Okay.
Nick Abregu: It’s just a squid.
Jen Cole: Squid.
Nick Abregu: I went to fishing at nighttime.
Jen Cole: Did you eat it?
Nick Abregu: Well, yeah
Jen Cole: Okay.
Nick Abregu: This little school of squid came up to me and I had the light and they just looked at me. And I speared it. Like, it took me a moment. I stared at it and I had a connection and I speared it. Oh my god.
Jen Cole: Did you see those little eyes that goes.
Nick Abregu: And squid has got this big…
Jen Cole: Did you love it?
Nick Abregu: It was a very sad moment actually.
Jen Cole: But does it taste good?
Nick Abregu: It’s delicious.
Jen Cole: It was sort of like the Simpsons, remember he has a lobster? The Simpsons.
Nick Abregu: No, no.
Jen Cole: Yeah Simpsons. Your squid hey.
Nick Abregu: But it’s delicious.
Jen Cole: Did you eat its eyes?
Nick Abregu: No. But they make squid ink using that stuff.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I just think if it’s possible of getting the ink without the squid.
Jen Cole: Can you catch the squid without killing it.
Nick Abregu: I just don’t want to go there.
Jen Cole: No! You come to my doors. I don’t have to go down.
Nick Abregu: Exactly.
Jen Cole: I have a child. I can normally allow to leave.
Nick Abregu: You brought this up.
Jen Cole: Listen…
Nick Abregu: And then you disinfect the driver. Start wiping it down before…
Jen Cole: I just love that everyone thinks like, oh disinfection. We are fine now. Should I even wash my hands actually even if I have not peed before?
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I’ve been getting my new transpire, a lot of vegetables and a lot of foods. And I’m fine.
Jen Cole: I’m fine and I’ve been playing black jack card casino on weekend.
Nick Abregu: Have you? It’s a dangerous place to be?
Jen Cole: Yeah. Crown is like probably the worse!
Nick Abregu: How’d you go? Are you good at black jack?
Jen Cole: I was like, average. It’s just…
Nick Abregu: The party place?
Jen Cole: I don’t know. There are night clubs. I don’t go to night clubs. I’m actually surprise that it’s closing. There are so many closed casinos in Vegas like… I hope they don’t close it.
Nick Abregu: Because of this? Because of what you’re saying?
Jen Cole: From the word that we’re not supposed to say?
Nick Abregu: Yes.
Jen Cole: Yeah. The C word? The other C word?
Nick Abregu: They should not close it.
Jen Cole: Well, you think…
Nick Abregu: Is it too much of a money? It’s just too much money. Like if it close down, probably losing hundred million a day or something or whatever it is.
Jen Cole: Well, I mean, all the people are there for the grand prix that were in there. Like yeah, everyone’s losing money that way. It’s just the whole city is a ghost town. Sad. Yeah, how’s your business going?
Nick Abregu: It’s because, we’re doing it online. We’re okay but we’ve had three video shoots cancelled. That’s all. But it’s not really affecting us. I think. Because we can still do this as long as I don’t get sick.
Jen Cole: Yeah, and this thing is mostly stuck at home. You just have to listen or something.
Nick Abregu: Yeah, exactly. This is the best time for businesses to start creating more content.
Jen Cole: Yeah, it is actually. Can you rap?
Nick Abregu: No.
Jen Cole: Have you tried?
Nick Abregu: I’m too white. I’m too Latino. I can Salsa, but I can’t…
Jen Cole: Is Salsa like a…
Nick Abregu: I’m
Jen Cole: Okay, sing me a Salsa song.
Nick Abregu: No. No.
Jen Cole: Salsa I know is dancing but they told me…Serenade, right?
Nick Abregu: I’m not too lyrical or anything like that.
Jen Cole: Lyrically gifted?
Nick Abregu: Can you rap?
Jen Cole: Only when I have too many drinks.
Nick Abregu: We don’t have drinks here.
Jen Cole: No. I don’t feel like rapping.
Nick Abregu: I should have thought ahead.
Jen Cole: I do like Eminem right now though. He’s good.
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Who’s your favorite rapper though?
Jen Cole: I don’t know. I’m not that…
Nick Abregu: What’s your favorite song?
Jen Cole: I don’t know. Do you have a favorite song? I have a lot of song…
Nick Abregu: So, where do you wanna leave this conversation?
Jen Cole: Like the dodgiest place you’ve got in drugs on…
Nick Abregu: Go on.
Jen Cole: Bangkok.
Nick Abregu: Oh dude, no!
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: No! That’s… they can kill you there.
Jen Cole: I know.
Nick Abregu: That’s a little bit of risk.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Unnecessary risk.
Jen Cole: It’s that stupid song. One night in Bangkok. And I was like; what the f***.
Nick Abregu: I know yeah.
Jen Cole: I’m buying drugs in Bangkok. I did.
Nick Abregu: And was it a fun night?
Jen Cole: It was actually. Apart from the DJ, I think I saw his email address. At a gay like… It was a gay club. We’ve gotta run into his hotel right now. He said why? And I was like; we gotta go and It was just so funny.
Nick Abregu: How long ago? Is this like…
Jen Cole: This is like six years ago maybe. Yeah. They will call you there. It’s worth it.
Nick Abregu: So, my friend, we were traveling with a whole bunch of us and I was with a partner back then. And my friend comes up to us in this like luxury black car and he wants us to like; guys, get in and we were like, what? Those like drug dealer that he had bought drugs from and he got him to give us a lift to the bar that we are going.
Jen Cole: That’s awesome. It’s like…
Nick Abregu: I was like; man. What are you doing? Let’s just catch a cab, Let’s just…
Jen Cole: Why did he do that? That’s awesome.
Nick Abregu: I was a nice story. Right?
Jen Cole: My friend was just telling me the story. I shoot a photo and I don’t remember where’s the place in Europe. He showed me this photo and a guy came in and put a knife right into the bark. It was that big. And it was like; 28 grams.
Nick Abregu: Wow!
Jen Cole: It was like $1100 or something like nothing. He just put a knife.
Nick Abregu: In Bangkok?
Jen Cole: No in Europe. And I was like, that would have really been the coolest thing ever. You know when someone comes with a knife and… I got a bit jealous.
Nick Abregu: You what?
Jen Cole: I got a bit jealous. But I’d love to go to that country.
Nick Abregu: What country?
Jen Cole: Valencia?
Nick Abregu: Is that Spain?
Jen Cole: I think so.
Nick Abregu: In Spain yeah?
Jen Cole: I hope so.
Nick Abregu: Spain is a good country.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And it’s good for cocaine too.
Nick Abregu: Barcelona.
Jen Cole: We’re not allowed to travel right now and that sucks but…
Nick Abregu: We’re stuck on an island.
Jen Cole: Literally.
Nick Abregu: That’s why everything is so expensive here.
Jen Cole: I know. Just like cocaine.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. It has to get shipped in.
Jen Cole: It’s gonna get more expensive and we’re gonna start hoarding.
Nick Abregu: Every house there comes like a drug house.
Jen Cole: 14-day Vendo.
Nick Abregu: It was so funny; I actually saw someone who posted on the internet like…
Jen Cole: Symptoms are. Well, these sounds like a Vendo to me.
Nick Abregu: 14-day quarantine. They would say, that they’ve got what they need.
Jen Cole: It’s a perfect time to be having an affair. Like, can’t come out.
Nick Abregu: Right?
Jen Cole: Can’t stop thinking about it.
Nick Abregu: Or I can learn how to cook like, I’m gonna learn to cook.
Jen Cole: So, you’re gonna be looking fat.
Nick Abregu: That’s right and when it’s time for me to get outside, then I have to start jogging and doing these exercises.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Are you really, quarantine by yourself though? Like…
Nick Abregu: Dude, we’re still gonna talk… what? Okay.
Jen Cole: It’s hard not too coz…
Nick Abregu: I know.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: It’s so silly.
Jen Cole: I have not been in quarantine.
Nick Abregu: And then we are just flashing blackjack and just having a good time.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: I might get to date her right now. She’s cool. She’s not playing blackjack at daycare but…
Nick Abregu: Let’s notice like…
Jen Cole: There’s definitely less kids their noticed. Well, they have store over there. They’re fine. The city is really quiet its really weird.
Nick Abregu: I know. What the h*** right?
Jen Cole: I don’t know but it’s like on day 15, we are all on different day, and it’s like we’re all on different day of the cycle but it’s like.
Nick Abregu: Lucky for me, I grown for being told I’m not gonna look with being different. I’m not growing a little bit actual. Anaways, sorry in advance; we’re gonna get you out of business.
Jen Cole: You’re already gone.
Nick Abregu: It’s just not f*** enough, you’re selling your stuff online. Just good luck with that.
Jen Cole: Actually, selling online might be a good time to sell.
Nick Abregu: I know. I know, right?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: eBay.
Jen Cole: We should be buying things right now.
Nick Abregu: You can create porn, or you can sell s*** on eBay.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I’ll sell s*** on eBay.
Jen Cole: I’ll make porn.
Nick Abregu: What about brings in the…
Jen Cole: The most dollar?
Nick Abregu: Hold on, we’ve lost you.
Jen Cole: Oh, you lost me.
Nick Abregu: I think they can still hear us. There you go. We’re back. This is really high-tech stuff, just a little…
Jen Cole: Is it? Can you change my voice?
Nick Abregu: Let’s do it. Hold on, do you wanna… here we go. I’m here again.
Jen Cole: Hello.
Nick Abregu: I’ll give you careless voice. Go.
Jen Cole: Hello? Is this uncle Lee?
Nick Abregu: No! I’m your father.
Jen Cole: I’ll rate you. Hello?
Nick Abregu: There you go.
Jen Cole: This is the Gorilla? Are you getting down on me?
Nick Abregu: No. I have to work this.
Jen Cole: Can you tell me prices.
Nick Abregu: Alright let’s turn this off.
Jen Cole: I would totally prank call people with that.
Nick Abregu: Right?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Right?
Jen Cole: Yeah. Friday nights. Oh my gosh.
Nick Abregu: Oh, man. We so should.
Jen Cole: Yes, we should. That’s actually quite funny.
Nick Abregu: Listed that on…
Jen Cole: Bring back prank calling and actually say something stupid.
Nick Abregu: Let’s do it.
Jen Cole: Like have you tried calling and don’t say anything? Like, if your gonna call me; say something funny.
Nick Abregu: That is so much fun.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Prank calls on Fridays.
Nick Abregu: We have to get like ah….
Jen Cole: But as we… like serious stuff like; you know, excuse me, I think you lift your house nude on day 13. In some really stern voice. You can call your friends mom, right? In the morning like, oh, no!
Nick Abregu: Alright, we have to name it and we’ll get this done.
Jen Cole: It’s actually funny. And then the government people will take it seriously…
Nick Abregu: We’ll talk to them like in an alien voice.
Jen Cole: No! Like, the stern government voice.
Nick Abregu: Yes!
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. This call is being recorded for trillions.
Jen Cole: We have heard from a… you have been reported by a…
Nick Abregu: You’re breaking my s*** here.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Awesome. So, it’s been a fantastic hour and a half yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah it was good, and it was late. Sorry.
Nick Abregu: No. It’s alright. We had the whole day planned for this. So, I have cancelled all my meetings.
Jen Cole: Sorry.
Nick Abregu: Nope. It’s my pleasure.
Jen Cole: I can tell you a story; a funny story and it’s already late so, that’s for another day.
Nick Abregu: We’d love to have you back on.
Jen Cole: I’d love to.
Nick Abregu: It was so much fun.
Jen Cole: Yeah, it was good. I’m gonna bring something back for your platter.
Nick Abregu: Oh, really! Would you like to have a second apple stuff…?
Jen Cole: No, I’m good.
Nick Abregu: It’s vegetarian.
Jen Cole: I’m good.
Nick Abregu: No meat products.
Jen Cole: You made me proud.
Nick Abregu: I’ll list a bear right it, and so, go. Ignore that.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Jen, thank you so…
Jen Cole: I got a Gorilla actually.
Nick Abregu: A what?
Jen Cole: A Gorilla.
Nick Abregu: In there, like a real one?
Jen Cole: No. A dominating one.
Nick Abregu: Have you seen that logo?
Jen Cole: Yeah. I have seen your logo, but I haven’t seen any dominating Gorilla over your vegetables.
Nick Abregu: Really? Like looking a one day like…
Jen Cole: No. Like an actual one like one day, it went from… like… Anyways, I forgot.
Nick Abregu: Jen, thank you so much for coming on.
Jen Cole: Thank you for having me.
Nick Abregu: It’s been a real pleasure.
Jen Cole: And, let’s prank some people.
Nick Abregu: Let’s do it. I’m glad that we had this time to get to know each other.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And, I’m going to do it again.
Jen Cole: Yes. I’m looking forward too.
Nick Abregu: And I know you have responsibilities now. The little kid. So, enjoy the rest of the day.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And enjoy the rest of your day.
Jen Cole: Yes.
Nick Abregu: And thank you everyone for listening.
Jen Cole: Thank you!
Nick Abregu: We’re out!
Jen Cole: Cheers!
Nick Abregu: Bye.
Jen Cole: Bye.
Nick Abregu: Hey Google! Who’s the only person in this world who won’t Google anything.
Jen Cole: No, I will Google a thing. I try not to Google the things. I try to like actually think, because it’s so… like we just jump to Google straightaway and we don’t think.
Nick Abregu: I agree.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, you were just saying before, if you want to know something, right?
Jen Cole. I have to think about it.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Now we just think Google.
Nick Abregu: Exactly. What happens if Google just s*** the bed. What happens.
Jen Cole: Well then, we’re all stupid.
Nick Abregu: Waste of stuff.
Jen Cole: Yeah, pretty much.
Nick Abregu: I won’t be able to remember anyone’s birthdays. I won’t be able to remember the dates.
Jen Cole: That’s Facebook more but yeah.
Nick Abregu: I know. Thank God for that Facebook, right?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, for everyone listening at home, we have the very talented, Jennifer Cole?
Jen Cole: Yes.
Nick Abregu: Jen, where are you from? Where’s the extant from?
Jen Cole: I’m from Victoria. British Columbia in Canada which is West Coast of Canada. Been in Australia for 10 years now. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And you’re a snowboarder.
Jen Cole: I’m a snowboarder, definitely.
Nick Abregu: How good are you at snowboarding?
Jen Cole: Pretty good.
Nick Abregu: How good at a ten. Are you the double diamonds?
Jen Cole: Double diamonds is more for skiing but…
Nick Abregu: That’s what I’m trying to know about.
Jen Cole: Yeah, most like slopes, and like hills are fun for snowboarding but I cannot plough for like… yeah. But I’m good.
Nick Abregu: Lovely. So, how long have you been in Australia for?
Jen Cole: Ten years.
Nick Abregu: Welcome.
Jen Cole: Thank you. Ten years!
Nick Abregu: Do you feel like a local here?
Jen Cole: Getting there.
Nick Abregu: Yeah?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Lovely. So, tell us a little bit… so we have X amount of listeners. I think it’s about 20 million, but I don’t think so. It’s more like three? But tell us a little bit about… take us through your career. We’ll get that out of the way, so everyone knows a bit context about how awesome you are in the things that you do.
Jen Cole: My career right now, I’m not really working. No, so I come through, gosh, from a Business Degree, to a Nursing Degree, modeling, creating, designing, mother, yeah pretty much.
Nick Abregu: Actress?
Jen Cole: Acting. I wouldn’t say actress, I’m not… more of for fun, really. But more of just the artistic like the creative side of things I enjoy doing. I was a ballerina when I was younger and professionally…
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jen Cole: Yeah. I like the audacity, the actual part of it. And just the thinking process.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. My partner does… she was a ballerina. And its amazing how you guys can just go on your tippy toes. That is crazy! Doesn’t that… isn’t that just full of pain?
Jen Cole: It does, 20 years later.
Nick Abregu: That’s amazing.
Jen Cole: Ballet is great. I mean, for structure and just learning growing up. And how to use your body and how to take direction and yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, something that you’ve recently done is the UltraTune commercials?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I need to say that out of all the girls there that were on the, paddleboards? Your technique was the best technique.
Jen Cole: Thank you.
Nick Abregu: You’re right here, down there, crashing out, just paddling along.
Jen Cole: So, Pamela Anderson actually from the same island that I’m from, in Canada. So, she is sort of my idea to be on that. She’s like kind of an iconic person there. So, that was really cool like pretty much from the island like I’m from in Canada. Not a whole lot of people have come out of the island and done anything, so just so cool to have her down here.
Nick Abregu: So, what’s the amount of people that have succeeded in anything from there? Outside of the island rather.
Jen Cole: Steve Nash, basketball. Melanie Furtado.
Nick Abregu: Oh, really?
Jen Cole: There’s got to be more people, there’s a pianist but I can’t remember. Yeah, there’s a couple, but it’s just like… it’s a small Westcoast Island Vancouver.
Nick Abregu: You guys are like a clique. You guys are…
Jen Cole: Well, it’s an island. So, yeah.
Nick Abregu: Everyone knows each other.
Jen Cole: Yes.
Nick Abregu: How many people?
Jen Cole: Not a clue.
Nick Abregu: Perfect.
Jen Cole: You ask about the population was, population all over. I don’t know. Do you?
Nick Abregu: No. I have no…
Jen Cole: So, see?
Nick Abregu: Isn’t it like 20 million?
Jen Cole: You sure?
Nick Abregu: Wait, that’s Australia. That’s all in Australia.
Jen Cole: Exactly, right?
Nick Abregu: Don’t worry about that.
Jen Cole. No, I don’t know. But it’s not very big.
Nick Abregu: So, you’re an amazing mum of two? Of a 2-year old?
Jen Cole: A 2-year old. Only one that I know of.
Nick Abregu: How’s that…
Jen Cole: She’s crazy.
Nick Abregu: Is she?
Jen Cole: Yeah. She’s great. She’s cheeky. She’s very a… she’s like me too. It’s kind of scary. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Is it… was it hard to become a mother? I mean, there’s so much responsibility.
Jen Cole: I think people psyche you out a lot like I think people really, you know, be careful this, this, this, I don’t know being a nurse, and just like… I’m like things are gonna happen, whatever. Yeah, you don’t know what you’re doing but no one knows what they’re doing, right? And babies are babies. You just… you’ve learned. And she is smart. Like she is aware of everything going on. She’s cheeky. She finds like the way he’s a person in the room. There’s also somebody like, she’s your boy. And that will do everything for her.
Nick Abregu: Wow. I’ve watched a show on Netflix about babies. And the only thing that I came out with from watching that is that they’re just master manipulators.
Jen Cole: oh, absolutely!
Nick Abregu: Are they? Okay.
Jen Cole: Absolutely! Absolutely. We have stayed in a hotel once for quite of four weeks and the room service would come in the morning. And she kept tripping. And I’m like, why is she keep tripping? And the thing that she’s doing and all over her, “Ah!” She’s literally doing this like doing this to manipulate. That was like for a year old.
Nick Abregu: That was a daunting thing.
Jen Cole: Yeah, and they drop in their water bottles, seeing who will pick it up. Yeah, literally just looking around and then drop. I’m like, oh my gosh. I’ll tell the hotel staff, “Please, do not pick it up.”
Nick Abregu: Oh, my goodness. It’s a… I guess its part of life, right? How was your… when you grow up on the island? Was it in a loving family?
Jen Cole: Not really. I mean, I want stage, but I pretty much grew up with my dad. Was a bit of a rebellious child.
Nick Abregu: Were you?
Jen Cole: Yeah. When I said b… like, I did really well in school. I was a ballerina, I did like, all the things added to it but I was a wild child for sure.
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jen Cole: Yeah. Always getting into trouble. But like, not enough trouble but it was trouble. Troubled but I can get my way out of it. I always worked and went to business school got my grade and stuff but yeah, it’s definitely a wild one.
Nick Abregu: What did… it’s…
Jen Cole: I think I’m still a wild one.
Nick Abregu: I don’t like to call it wild. I like to call it very strong minded. Because that’s essentially… it’s just channeling there. Right? You become strong. Like, a lot of entrepreneurs; you would call them crazy or you would call them like loose cannons or whatever but really there’s just… it’s this energy and mentality that they have, that they have to redirect into the right focus and then they just excel. It’s crazy.
Jen Cole: Interesting places.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Other countries.
Nick Abregu: Where does your craziness take you?
Jen Cole: Well, here. Australia.
Nick Abregu: You’d be crazy to come and live here right?
Jen Cole: No. Literally. My girlfriend lives down here and she was like come. She was in Sydney and I was like; okay. And within by 5 days I booked a ticket and she was like, I’m in a place called Melbourne and I was like; okay. Melbourne… sure. And I went to flight center and I find a one-way ticket to Melbourne and I stayed.
Nick Abregu: You packed all your staff and just came? Or you just came to visit first? And…
Jen Cole: Yeah. Like I said, 5 days. Bag packed and came down and yeah, I stayed ever since.
Nick Abregu: You love it? Is it the best decision you made?
Jen Cole: I think so. I’m still here. Yeah. It’s like Australia is so far away from the rest of the world and it takes forever to get anywhere but it’s good to get here out of home.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. Did you have… when you came here, were you modeling?
Jen Cole: Nope. Actually, when I came here, I was a stripper for 9 months.
Nick Abregu: Okay.
Jen Cole: It was great.
Nick Abregu: It is better doing it here than in the states?
Jen Cole: I never have done it in the states.
Nick Abregu: Oh really?
Jen Cole: No. No. I was a ballerina.
Nick Abregu: Well, you’ve got to dance also.
Jen Cole: Yeah. That was like, 9 months and being a backpacker payroll and cash was great. It’s a perfect way to party and have fun. But that was 10 years ago. So, and then I did my dressing dream.
Nick Abregu: So, for 9 months, you did that and then after that you…
Jen Cole: And then I had a boyfriend and then I went to school. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Did you love business school?
Jen Cole: So, I did business in Canada, but my nursing degree here.
Nick Abregu: Nice! Did you ever start a business?
Jen Cole: No.
Nick Abregu: You have all the knowledge, but you got to know how.
Jen Cole: Yup. You’ve got to have the balls to actually get there, to do that.
Nick Abregu: But it’s never too late. I mean, did you always want it?
Jen Cole: Yeah. But nothing has really caught my… I don’t know. Nothing like super driven to do yet. My mind is too scattered. Lots of little things that I have to focus.
Nick Abregu: Doesn’t that just kill your creativity?
Jen Cole: What?
Nick Abregu: Like when you got so many things going on in your mind?
Jen Cole: No! I think it’s hard… I think being creative, it’s like; it’s not hard but it’s just to be original these days like everything is just a replica. And almost like when you do come up with something that’s original, you don’t… you must keep it to yourself because people just copycat everything. Instagram really killed like art.
Nick Abregu: I agree. I’ve seen some of your shoots. Actually, if the listeners want to know, we met through photographer that also did some of your shoots. And, I saw one of them, and I’m like; dude that is the most… this is before I knew you. I said; that is the most amazing shot I’ve ever seen. It was the one; it has a sheet over you. Like a plastic sheet? That was amazing. To me, it tells so much of a story.
Jen Cole: I like photographers like that actual… like frameworks. The once that you can put on your wall. But that’s the kind of stuff that you like to keep on yourself. Like; you have so many cool images, but you don’t wanna put them on Instagram to like show them. Because someone’s gonna copy them and you just download it.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. So, as soon as Instagram came out. Everyone became a photographer.
Jen Cole: Yeah, exactly right? And then everyone copies everybody. And it’s really… you have to look at so many different things to come up with an original idea that’s like never been done before. That’s the hard part.
Nick Abregu: I think it’s a nice thing that everyone has the confidence to go out and showcase what is going on in their head through photography. I think that’s, beautiful but in abundance? When you look at it in a bigger scale, it’s just change.
Jen Cole: In abundance, and the art form of like; lighting and thinking and styling things by just air brushing it and you know.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Kind of, takes away in the image.
Nick Abregu: So, I am very similar to you. Like I have a million things going on in my head. And it’s…
Jen Cole: You can’t sleep sometimes yeah.
Nick Abregu: Sometimes I can’t get to sleep until 4am in the morning.
Jen Cole: Yes! I’m the same way, right? Everyone’s asleep, now I can think.
Nick Abregu: Actually, when it takes me up, it’s like 3 in the morning. And I’m like; yeah…
Jen Cole: Yeah because that seems to be my time to think. I’m like; everyone’s asleep. Now, I can focus.
Nick Abregu: When we did a lot of business in the States from here, my nighttime was just filled with creative thinking because it’s… my clients were overseas. So, I never had that downtime, and now that my clients are only in Australia and Europe. It’s like; I have that quite time and I just find it that that’s where I do all my thinking It’s not good sometimes, it’s just…
Jen Cole: I know it’s funny. It’s literally quiet, I don’t have a TV on, I don’t have music on but I’m just painting, writing and doing something and it’s almost creepy because it’s like there’s nothing but me just thinking.
Nick Abregu: So, how do you deal with you’re a Mom during the day and the baby goes asleep at nighttime and you’ve got all this…
Jen Cole: And then, I turn into not a mom, just kidding. The thing is like; I don’t like painting or doing that stuff when she’s around. Because it can conceive you…
Nick Abregu: Yes.
Jen Cole: And you know, an hour can go by really easily. And you don’t notice it that, that’s your time. So, that’s why, when she’s asleep.
Nick Abregu: Do they demand a lot of your time? Or, does she demand a lot of your time?
Jen Cole: 24/7 yeah.
Nick Abregu: Especially at such a young age.
Jen Cole: She goes to cry for like 3 days. She’s pretty tired when she comes home but like, they wanna be in your space and they copy you and everything like simple things but yeah. It’s cute, it’s annoying but… I’m like; we have big apartment like you can be in another space but not right here right now.
Nick Abregu: A friend of mine was telling me that he realized that his two kids, they don’t listen to what he says but they do what he does. Like, seeing what the dad does is so much more influential than what they actually say.
Jen Cole: They act like they are not paying attention, but they are. They are just observing, they’re observing the room.
Nick Abregu: Which is a scary thought right?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Like you need to be a good person. You need to show your kid that you’re a good person.
Jen Cole: When I say stop swearing. Like, trust me, stop, don’t. Like; she’s watching. She’s pretending she’s not but she’s watching. I’ve got her on the Chicago Musicals… anyways, we used to end up some sort of dancing rendition while she’s having dinner and she’s knows like all of Chicago now which is funny. We went into this water pistol at Luna Park and there was one of the songs, probably not best mom but like yeah. Anyways, she’s got a little part of the song and that’s cute.
Nick Abregu: Lovely. Is there anything that you wanna keep your kid away from at this age? I mean, besides the obvious stuffs like…
Jen Cole: Finding out about my job maybe. Like how naughty I was. No she’s… I mean, you can’t really keep anything away from your kid these days like, really. I mean you can, but as soon as she goes to a computer, everything is kidda like gone. I don’t give her my phone, that’s one thing I let her play on everything else coz I will not give here my iPhone.
Nick Abregu: Why not?
Jen Cole: Because… No! There’s a whole world to look out. We did not grow up with the phones in our hands.
Nick Abregu: Yes.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And we literally fly probably once a week and I don’t give her the phone while on the airplane at all.
Nick Abregu: Wow.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And she says hi to everybody. Like if we are in the city and she walks; Hi! Hi! Hi!
Nick Abregu: Oh, that’s lovely.
Jen Cole: Coz everyone is looking down. She understands like air pods. I was like, honey they got air pods on then she understands…
Nick Abregu: It that so sad?
Jen Cole: Coz they don’t look… Everyone is looking down. When you have… when you’re pushing a stroller, you’ll get off your phone. Yeah that’s interesting.
Nick Abregu: So, I was with a friend of mine in Peron. And we were talking his baby for a walk and it’s kidda like a little but late. Like 8PM, the baby is going to sleep, and it was just, it wasn’t a nice environment to be in and I felt so protective of his child. Like; I don’t want it to see… it’s like six months old and I was so protective that I didn’t want it to expose itself into any bad stuff happening or like any doggy shit going on, that’s like the fatherly instinct to me going out. But he was like no, it’s okay, babies don’t even…
Jen Cole: They don’t notice. It’s good time to travel into that small town too.
Nick Abregu: Is it?
Jen Cole: Yeah. Coz they this role overdue or anything.
Nick Abregu: Was it scary to be a mom? Where talking about this…
Jen Cole: Babies? Coz you’re having a baby. This is a chat for you.
Nick Abregu: You’re consulting me.
Jen Cole: I think everybody tries to psych like it’s really scary like; I don’t think that we do it on purpose but like, you’re gonna have a baby. Babies need to be fed, they need to be kept warm, and you have to change the diapers, you need to cuddle like there are a few basic things. You go through the lists and they are still unwell, or they are not happy then maybe there is something wrong. There are a couple of things you have to think about. They don’t do much for a while eat, sleep, poop, cuddles, they are really boring to be honest with you. They are like just blobs especially for dads. I mean they can talk, and they can do stuff, which is far more interesting, scary though too. Coz you’re like; oh, you’re moving now. Like, I don’t wanna…
Nick Abregu: I still think like mothers are just super humans. They are so, different to men, it’s just you guys are just this…
Jen Cole: We don’t have a chance, or options right? It’s like we have to. You have to be there.
Nick Abregu: Did you have that calling in you? Like, that you wanted a baby.
Jen Cole: Everyone wants a child, but I wouldn’t say… It was like, of chance child. She’s great; she’s the best thing ever. She’s a total mini me but way cooler.
Nick Abregu: So, I was reading a little bit about how… I want to talk to about the Autotune Commissions.
Jen Cole: Sure.
Nick Abregu: Where did that inspiration came from?
Jen Cole: Well, being from Victoria. I said like, why don’t we have a woman? Like a star in the Ad because obviously they are getting complaints about being sexists this and that. So, Pamela Anderson was like blond and iconic. Like, who doesn’t love Pamela Anderson? So, I was about having a woman save the day. Obviously, the ads are completely like Ludacris and they are there to make people laugh. Nobody wants to see just to guys mechanics like come on, right? Likes it’s for controversy. And this one is the first one that hasn’t actually been removed. So…
Nick Abregu: The other one got removed?
Jen Cole: All of them have been… eventually complained and removed.
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Who would complain about this?
Jen Cole: Every woman’s group out there.
Nick Abregu: No!!!
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: What happened to empowering woman?
Jen Cole: Because it’s… I don’t know. Sexist this and that. Woman can’t drive, woman like this, portraying like this. Too much this, too much that.
Nick Abregu: Right. Okay, the sexist thing.
Jen Cole: This one actually got the most complaints but somehow surpassed not getting cut-off there. Which I felt really proud of because I didn’t have every invite like the bottom of the mail, but the Star, I did. Which is kinda cool.
Nick Abregu: It’s sad that Australia was so pissy about something about that.
Jen Cole: I think it’s just like… I think we are a bit of over-sensitive.
Nick Abregu: We are becoming differently.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Big boobs and cars kidda go together. I mean at least that’s… I don’t know.
Nick Abregu: But for a long time, it stops. It stopped and then you guys put it back in and it did have that impact.
Jen Cole: It’s just like I remember my dad’s a mechanic. I remember growing up like guys picking up girls on cars. It’s just girls aren’t to allow to be sexy and guys aren’t allowed to be masculine anymore. I don’t know. I mean there’s a point in between of course but like guys are guys and girls are girls. Some of us are different that’s fine but I don’t think there is anything wrong with it
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: And the comments that you get on this like on the Facebook pages and stuff it’s just people complaining about; oh, this one is too plastic, this one is too… this is too that. Really? Like if this upsets you that much maybe you need to think of something else.
Nick Abregu: Exactly yeah!
Jen Cole: All of us know that we all know what we look like and we are okay with that. I mean I don’t mind if you look like that.
Nick Abregu: For us, when we have clients that are going on film. A lot of them are like… because they are not actors or actresses; they hate the way they look. So, the perfect take would take 5 takes because they don’t like the way they move, they don’t like the way they look and I’m like; you look the way you look. Get over it, people see you like that every day. You are fine.
Jen Cole: You are just gonna over edit yourself to the point where you won’t…
Nick Abregu: And it’s sad that that’s the case. Because it just shows me that people were not happy with what they look like.
Jen Cole: We become so insecure and then come Snapchat filters and then it’s like; that’s not what they look like in real life. It’s just not.
Nick Abregu: I noticed my phone; it does this thing like it smooths out your face.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I don’t like that. That’s not me. It’s embedded in the phone so that can be happier with the way they look.
Jen Cole: What phone is that? I don’t think I have that.
Nick Abregu: This is Samsung.
Jen Cole: Oh, the new Samsung.
Nick Abregu: Yup. Shout out!
Jen Cole: I think I heard about it. I’m like I had to go to Samsung Shop for that one. It is. I mean, I don’t know. Yeah. It’s interesting what does gonna happen in the next couple of weeks right? Coz we’re all stuck at home or supposed to be stuck at home. Obviously, the internet is going to be like through the roof.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: It could be a good time to making porn, I think.
Nick Abregu: You making?
Jen Cole: No. You think so?
Nick Abregu: Because the ones that are home, they are usually stuffs like this happens. Porn goes through the roof. The demand of viewership.
Jen Cole: How many webcams?
Nick Abregu: Oh yeah that’s true.
Jen Cole: Right? Oh, wait why did I ask that? I was like, what would people do? People are gonna be buying art right now or buy anything. They are gonna be sitting at home. Netflix will be going great.
Nick Abregu: I remember. The last pandemic. Well, is it pandemic or epidemic?
Jen Cole: It’s a pandemic right now.
Nick Abregu: What’s the difference?
Jen Cole: I would google it, but I don’t. Can we call a friend?
Nick Abregu: One of those.
Jen Cole: Let me think about it. Pan and epidemic.
Nick Abregu: I feel so dumb right now.
Jen Cole: See? I can make you think.
Nick Abregu: Australian education is just…
Jen Cole: I’m Canadian education. We’re in a pandemic but I don’t know that difference right now. But they’re different.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. But you are definitely right. Like Webstaff, Web… anything that has to do with the web is gonna go through the roof.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: But then you have the other problem, that everyone at home needs internet. So, the internet slowdown. So, it’s not…
Jen Cole: I never want to become a doctor or nurse. I’m just like; okay. Oh no, Corona Virus. I’m not talking about it.
Nick Abregu: Delete.
Jen Cole: Delete! Delete! I’m not going down that fast.
Nick Abregu: Can I ask, have you ever ventured on that track? On the adult entertainment?
Jen Cole: No.
Nick Abregu: Is it ever wanted to be something that you wanted to do?
Jen Cole: No. But it’s just liked a funny thing because right now, you probably can make a lot of money doing it.
Nick Abregu: I would do it, but I look like my logo which is the Gorilla so…
Jen Cole: Hey! That good be a thing.
Nick Abregu: A fetish thing, right? Maybe.
Jen Cole: Everyone needs to survive this tough time, right? I’m sure there is a market for it. And no one would know if you would put it on. Like, no?
Nick Abregu: I… what I was thinking…
Jen Cole: How did you think about that idea?
Nick Abregu: I remember watching a TV show once a few years ago. This group of people would dress up like animals and they go on the middle of the dessert and they do the sexual…
Jen Cole: Is this a TV show or Porn?
Nick Abregu: No. They were documenting the crazy shit that people do. So, they would dress up in animal costumes like bear costumes, big bunny or whatever and they go into the middle of the dessert and they would get that shit on, right?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And then there’s one guy. I think he was high on LSD or something…
Jen Cole: I would think they are all high on something yeah.
Nick Abregu: He would venture to the wrong section and then he encountered a real bear.
Jen Cole: For what purpose?
Nick Abregu: And he was like, flirting with a bear and the bear just ripped him apart. Unfortunately for this guy.
Jen Cole: Yeah that’s pretty fucked.
Nick Abregu: That’s so fucked up right?
Jen Cole: And no one noticed? Like hey dude that’s a real bear. Come one and pretend one.
Nick Abregu: No one noticed. Is that so fucked up?
Jen Cole: That’s so fucked up.
Nick Abregu: Alright I have to search for it. I’ll link it to you.
Jen Cole: Is this for a girl who I came from?
Nick Abregu: Okay so, this is how it all started.
Jen Cole: Where did the name come from?
Nick Abregu: GorillaCo?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, when you encounter a Gorilla, in the forest. It’s a very dominant presence. Right? Even our logo is like; it’s just this Gorilla just staring you down in the eye and say; we’re gonna dominate. Our whole thing is we help other businesses dominate their industry.
Jen Cole: What that video game? Donkey Kong?
Nick Abregu: Donkey Kong!
Jen Cole: Sorry.
Nick Abregu: Yes.
Jen Cole: Yeah
Nick Abregu: I actually hated that game.
Jen Cole: No, I didn’t mind it.
Nick Abregu: Didn’t you?
Jen Cole: That was Sony. Or, that was the other one, right?
Nick Abregu: I like Sonic the Hedgehog.
Jen Cole: Donkey Kong. Dong… Sonic…
Nick Abregu: Nintendo.
Jen Cole: Nintendo. Yeah!
Nick Abregu: That’s the one.
Jen Cole: But that was the other one. Donkey Kong.
Nick Abregu: Was it?
Jen Cole: I don’t know. Sorry. I’m taking your story. Gorillas dominate, yes, they do.
Nick Abregu: So, it’s very dominating.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And we have companies essentially get as much market share in the industry. So, we help them dominate everyone else.
Jen Cole: Something like; move b****. Get out of the way.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. Exactly. We wanna make the competitors cry.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: That there are not getting any other business.
Jen Cole: Yeah. That’s good. Just crush them.
Nick Abregu: And Koko… Right. So, GorillaCo.Co that’s the website. So, Koko the Gorilla, was actually the Gorilla.
Jen Cole: Oh, is it Koko the Gorilla?
Nick Abregu: Koko the Gorilla. Yeah. Because it’s not liked the silent edition.
Jen Cole: Now, she’s a cute Gorilla. It’s a girl now.
Nick Abregu: Yeah, it’s cute. It’s a cute dominating Gorilla wanna…
Jen Cole: So, Koko acts like… Koko Cruz, that’s her real name.
Nick Abregu: Oh really? Because of the Gorilla?
Jen Cole: No. Her name is Koko Cruz so, now your girl as not gonna be a girl.
Nick Abregu: Lovely. Cruz is your middle?
Jen Cole: Just her first name.
Nick Abregu: It’s her first name. Yeah.
Jen Cole: And then, I kinda stole it and made it part of my name.
Nick Abregu: Lovely.
Jen Cole: Yeah
Nick Abregu: I like it Cruz…
Jen Cole: Speaking mom.
Nick Abregu: Take itchy from a mosquito. Lovely.
Jen Cole: Kids can have like 8 names, now right? I feel like that, I like it. I like it too. We kind of argue of this stuff.
Nick Abregu: Well, coming from a Latin background, I’ve got like 4 names.
Jen Cole: Yeah. So, what are you thinking for the child?
Nick Abregu: Just one. I don’t wanna mess this kid up. Do you know how hard it is for me growing up? Having like 3 or 4 names. Like; 3 names and the surname?
Jen Cole: What’s your full name?
Nick Abregu: Lucas Walter Nicholas Abregu.
Jen Cole: The last part is not the amazing part but, you’re alright.
Nick Abregu: And, this is the s***iest thing, everyone in my family game me a name. So, each one corresponds to like; one should be my dads’, one is my brothers’ one is my moms’. Because my mom wanted that name as the primary one. But it did not flow because if you put Nicholas at the start, it just doesn’t flow. So, all my life, they call me Nick or Nicholas or whatever… Do you know… explaining this to people. See? This took a minute and a half. Right, imagine growing up explaining that to people…
Jen Cole: It’s like normal now to have that longer name though, right? But I can get it but yeah. You know when a kid has to right his name this long…
Nick Abregu: Not even my passport has my full name on. And, my last name is just like… Dad!
Jen Cole: Yeah. We lost track of…
Nick Abregu: So, I’m very identifiable, I guess.
Jen Cole: Oh, that’s funny. So, what are you thinking though for a name for the child? For girl or boy? Ever thought of anything?
Nick Abregu: I like Maddi.
Jen Cole: Maddi?
Nick Abregu: Maddi o Maddis… I like Maddi.
Jen Cole: For a girl?
Nick Abregu: For a girl, yeah. I haven’t thought about for a boy.
Jen Cole: Maddi… for a boy…
Nick Abregu: My Dads’ name is Armando, maybe somewhere their we can put that in. That is very South American isn’t it?
Jen Cole: In the girls’ name?
Nick Abregu: In the boy’s name.
Jen Cole: Oh, sorry. Maddi Armando.
Nick Abregu: Maddi… oh, that’s good. Maddi Armando.
Jen Cole: You got to say it sexy…
Nick Abregu: You got to say it…. Sexy… yeah… Maddi Armando (Sexy Voice)
Jen Cole: Your kids are gonna be like…
Nick Abregu: Started like the next Narcos… Do you watch Narcos?
Jen Cole: I love Narcos. Yeah!
Nick Abregu: Isn’t it so good?
Jen Cole: Yeah. I love putting it on. So, it’s Spanish. But I never watched it because I was just wandering around the house. So, like I’ve watched the same for a hundred times and I don’t know what’s going on.
Nick Abregu: Dude, watch the Episode of the Mexican one? Whilst there are two kids playing with the guns.
Jen Cole: I think so. I think, I have watched all of them.
Nick Abregu: And then they go to the… so they are that they are in a war, right? These two young kids. One of them is carrying gun and one of them is carrying a machete. And then, they go to their made, and then they would go; you’re a prisoner now, walk out here and do whatever and then they shoot her. Like kids shot here with a gun.
Jen Cole: They were pretty gangster.
Nick Abregu: Oh, man.
Jen Cole: Like, I have a crush on all of the Escobar. Like, can you get a gel… Like… this guy is a legend.
Nick Abregu: You know… So many business lessons to be learned.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Like, so many. I think if you wanna learn how to run a successful business…
Jen Cole: Study the Cartels.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. So, they get all this money. Regardless of how they got the money, I know they are all selling drugs whatever but, you could have a business or whatever. I don’t know if that’s equal or just the same thing. And then they just diversify and then they get so many… They just invest in everything.
Jen Cole: They treat people nicely, or they shoot you.
Nick Abregu: Just get out of the way.
Jen Cole: Yeah. But Hey! It’s interesting.
Nick Abregu: Have you been to those areas? I’ve been in some.
Jen Cole: I was actually going to Mexico in Tuesday for a wedding.
Nick Abregu: Yes.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: In Mexico City?
Jen Cole: No. No one goes to Mexico City really. Cable.
Nick Abregu: Okay. Alright.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And I was literally going to go. Until, they cancelled all the flights.
Nick Abregu: That sucks.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Just sucks. Mexico’s amazing.
Nick Abregu: I heard that’s a very beautiful place.
Jen Cole: Mexico is awesome. Yeah. I mean, there’s corruption but there is corruption everywhere. Like that’s just… Yeah
Nick Abregu: Yeah. Exactly. I mean, it’s the same.
Jen Cole: Yeah. I’d rather be in a corrupt Mexico than being in some places…. You know.
Nick Abregu: Because they got those beautiful beaches.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Beautiful beaches, girls and you know, partying and you know. It’s good.
Nick Abregu: So, I went to Cancún in about 5 years ago with a friend, the beaches were phenomenal. It’s like that turquoise beautiful color and the sand is so white and the parties are fun. Everything is fun.
Jen Cole: They’re messy.
Nick Abregu: They are messy. Have you got any interesting party stories that you would like to share? What a craziest s***…
Jen Cole: We’ve been like all day.
Nick Abregu: What’s the craziest s*** that has ever happened?
Jen Cole: The craziest… those are the ones that you don’t talk.
Nick Abregu: Let’s not put anyone in jail for…
Jen Cole: That’s just stupid if you end up in jail. That means you’ve done something really wrong. That’s like a good night going bad. I don’t know. Yeah. Pink stuff.
Nick Abregu: Alright, that was the thing. That’s the thing alright.
Jen Cole: Right? The good night you don’t talk about.
Nick Abregu: Have you had a lot of crazy nights?
Jen Cole: When I was younger. I don’t think I am that cool anymore to like… Like I don’t get any more calling.
Nick Abregu: No one is uncool like me. I’m very uncool.
Jen Cole: No. I am not having it anymore no. That makes me kinda feel like sick talking about that.
Nick Abregu: I bet, you were partying all the time? Or…
Jen Cole: No. Just going to the club and we are like mirage dance.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: But it’s fun to dance sometimes.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Maybe but, you know. No. I probably just at like a lounge or something.
Nick Abregu: And just chill out yeah?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Our conversation with someone. Like a good someone is priceless.
Jen Cole: Yeah. That too. And usually, if I put expensive shoes on that are made for walking and like you know…
Nick Abregu: Just make it happen
Jen Cole: Like itself. Yeah. I have a little daughter too now. So, she’s annoying when you’re hungover. I would hire a nanny that would take this girl over night and then bring her back the next day.
Nick Abregu: You have a nanny?
Jen Cole: Just once a week.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Rather than coming home at 2 A.M and bring us back the next day.
Nick Abregu: That makes it easier.
Jen Cole: Well, it just makes more sense, right? Then waking up a child late. And… how do you recommend any… or if you need any help.
Nick Abregu: A friend of mine has got 4 Au pairs. Is that what they call it? Au pairs?
Jen Cole: Aha.
Nick Abregu: 4 of them.
Jen Cole: Wow!
Nick Abregu: Like, they just run a systematic household. Like everything is just said and done and like they just live a good life. And they can spend a lot of time with their kids and all of the horrible things they don’t have to do.
Jen Cole: Yeah. That’s good.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: I just my 1 night from lucky out.
Nick Abregu: But it’s important for sanity.
Jen Cole: Oh, it’s so important for sanity. Yeah, definitely. But, like she’s a cool kid. I bring her pretty much everywhere I go. Some juice. She knows life. She goes to Noble once a week. She’s there, she’s on fights. She’s adaptable. She’s not a picky child. She’s wonderful.
Nick Abregu: Especially if you expose him to that from an early age, like; it’s just the norm, right?
Jen Cole: Yeah. Yeah. Not that NOBO is the norm for everyone really but,
Nick Abregu: Well, I don’t even know what that is.
Jen Cole: NOBO like Crown. So, she goes to this restaurant sometimes. So…
Nick Abregu: I thought that was like a day care center of something.
Jen Cole: NOBO.
Nick Abregu: NOBO yes of course.
Jen Cole: She goes to a really 101 Collins, in the city. Really nice day care center there. Which is great like day care is a must.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: For sure right? I mean, they develops skills, and…
Jen Cole: Friends, yeah. Definitely. They have to.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah. You can’t just have that much stuff at home.
Nick Abregu: Do you have a good group of people that you surround yourself with? With other kids?
Jen Cole: No. Not really. Most of my friends don’t have children.
Nick Abregu: So, you are the first one. You are leading the way.
Jen Cole: Well, some of the do but. Yeah, kind of. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Do they love that you have a kid?
Jen Cole: She’s a cook kid. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I mean does your friends love that you have a kid? Wow! This is amazing.
Jen Cole: Honestly, think that most or a lot of my friends wanna have kids.
Nick Abregu: Really? It starts with one, right?
Jen Cole: Because she is a pretty cool kid. We got some friends in the mirror together and then she does this splits and dance. And then literally like dance like it’s cute.
Nick Abregu: What have you done? All you friends are going to have kids and all of you are gonna go like, Mothers’ Club.
Jen Cole: No. Yeah. It was a small family but mostly I turned to my dad. My dad and myself.
Nick Abregu: Was he a good dad to you?
Jen Cole: Yeah. He… Everyone else denied that she would have a problem and pretty much ostracized us, and she still has a problem. Can’t really deny it now but yeah. It did totally separate everything.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, the importance of… Oh man, the importance of just being a good parent regardless of what’s going on. Just be a good parent to your kid. Don’t ever s***talk the other partner. If you separate just accept what’s going on and make sure that the kid has the world.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And we all have our flaws, right? And we all have things that we are good at and things that we are not good at and obviously, I don’t have big family but I’m here by myself and like my girlfriend comes and help to look after my girl. You know, exposing her to more people, I think is better. As long as… everyone swears these days; it’s so hard. On Facetime though today, she literally said the F word on face. I’m like, she never said that before. Oh my gosh. Someone is swearing way too much around my child.
Nick Abregu: Who is it?
Jen Cole: I know who it is. Her dad. But, exposing your child to more people that you do trust. They learn from. And we can’t teach our child everything because we do not know everything. Which is don’t?
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: So, yeah. I’m not that protective but I’m… yeah.
Nick Abregu: Well, I like the philosophy that you’ve got. Just get them to meet as many different people.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And just yeah
Nick Abregu: It makes them independent. It makes them…
Jen Cole: Well, I think their looking up at the sky thing. Like, when I watch kids their frames in their phone, they don’t look up. We don’t even look adults when we won’t get in anymore. We don’t notice cool buildings, or what’s new on the store because we are on out phones. We just forgot to look at the world.
Nick Abregu: That’s an interesting point of view actually.
Jen Cole: Weather it’s texting or writing emails. We’re doing this, we’re doing that. Many of your dreams can walk by you and you won’t notice.
Nick Abregu: It will kill all of your dreams. Let’s not be sexist here, there’s…
Jen Cole: Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? It’s just interesting and when you happen to push a friend. If you are on your phone, it’s about looking okay. Well, and it makes you… yeah, just a lot more aware.
Nick Abregu: No one talks to each other anymore.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: That’s why I love the…
Jen Cole: Like you talk to everyone, but I don’t know if they hear. And, it’s almost like you catch them off guard. Like; Hi! Hi!… Oh! Hi! Yeah, seriously. We don’t talk to each other anymore.
Nick Abregu: So sad. That’s why I love the art of Podcasting. You’re just having a conversation, like; I always forget that we are recording. To me, no filter. But I think it’s so nice to be able to connect with someone and theirs is nothing else to destruct us, other than just learning about each other.
Jen Cole: Yeah. I figure you have beautiful eyes.
Nick Abregu: Thank you.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And the candle. Do you like this candle? This smells quite nice.
Jen Cole: That smells nice actually. It’s not real, aren’t they?
Nick Abregu: Yeah, you can have one if you would like.
Jen Cole: But this isn’t…
Nick Abregu: No. No. Hey, don’t tell anyone.
Jen Cole: Sorry.
Nick Abregu: This comes with a delay…
Jen Cole: It’s kind of like a thanksgiving, Chinese looking Asian display. Are they a 2-dollar shop kind of…?
Nick Abregu: Thank you. That’s the look we are going for here.
Jen Cole: It smells good though.
Nick Abregu: I feel like we are in the medieval times?
Jen Cole: Kind of yeah. A little bit of the medieval times.
Nick Abregu: We need like a pick or like a… Are you a meaty?
Jen Cole: No. I’m vegetarian.
Nick Abregu: Okay. Maybe a bouquet of vegetables and…
Jen Cole: Yeah. It’s like I should treat her like a brown…
Nick Abregu: Vegetarian, okay. Alright. What’s going on there?
Jen Cole: Since I was 9.
Nick Abregu: What?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Wow!
Jen Cole: Yeah. One of those new aged ones.
Nick Abregu: Old school.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: You just, don’t like…
Jen Cole: When I was 9, I dance and kicked out of the school. So that was away from home and I loved animals and my parents were there so, I decided to be a vegetarian.
Nick Abregu: Wow.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And since then,
Nick Abregu: Okay. What’s the best thing that you eat? Like, what’s the best thing that when you ate, you were like; I love this.
Jen Cole: I hate cooking first of all.
Nick Abregu: No.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Not into cooking at all. Not my thing. I don’t care, I grew up with my dad and we didn’t cook. We had shakes and wraps. But there is so many good like fake meat stuff now like from beyond beef. When I was 9, we just other a sandwich without the meat.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Do you love the taste of eat though?
Jen Cole: I haven’t really had it since I was 9.
Nick Abregu: So, you do not know what’s…
Jen Cole: I mean, I remember that it’s tasting good, but you can get like pretend its chicken nuggets and this and that. Lord of the fries is pretty close and stuff like that. But I mean, I’m not gonna eat meat. My child doesn’t eat meat. She wants to on day and when I fount out I would slap her.
Nick Abregu: You are like; get out.
Jen Cole: You are not cooking meat in this kitchen. Mom, you would use it anyway. That’s true. No, I’m not gonna eat there. Like each of their own. But no, it’s just not my thing.
Nick Abregu: Do you eat eggs?
Jen Cole: I do. I try not to, but I like vegan cheese, I love vegan eggs.
Nick Abregu: I tried to make vegan mayonnaise. So, was a vegan for 3 months because I had a partner and she was vegan, and I was just being a nice guy. But I learned to cook vegan things and vegan mayonnaise is the worst thing I’ve ever tried in my entire life.
Jen Cole: Vegannaise is good. I think you can get it from safe layer. Wollies.
Nick Abregu: Do you think I can do it for 10 years.
Jen Cole: They are the same in their dream. I don’t know. Petrol gas whatever. Anyways, it’s actually really good. I’ll buy you some.
Nick Abregu: Please.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Every time I see a… stuck up from the beginning.
Nick Abregu: I’m always terrified to eat those things especially the fake meats.
Jen Cole: You’re terrified to eat fake meats.
Nick Abregu: I’m like what’s in there.
Jen Cole: Well, what’s in the real meat?
Nick Abregu: Just…
Jen Cole: Death!
Nick Abregu: Exactly. That’s a…
Jen Cole: You just saw it.
Nick Abregu: But it has a high estrogen isn’t it? Doesn’t it give man boobs? Doesn’t it the thing that it does?
Jen Cole: No. Have you seen Game Changers?
Nick Abregu: No.
Jen Cole: Watch Game Changers.
Nick Abregu: Is it about the…
Jen Cole: Vegans
Nick Abregu: Is it a lot of blood like…
Jen Cole: No. It is actually about athletes that are vegans and just about… Even Arnold Schwarzenegger is a part of it. Just about our concept of protein and like getting protein from animals. And like how much damage is does to the world. This is not why I became a vegetarian, no. Just become of too much forward thinking. But think of the amount of damage like, to feed animals to kill them like how much it consumes our earth.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: It’s actually a really good Documentary.
Nick Abregu: Well, I’m a huge fan of genetically modified foods.
Jen Cole: You are?
Nick Abregu: Not for nutrition wise but because, so many people are being born and we don’t have enough farming land. So, when we can genetically modified food, we’re gonna be able to somehow put an end to the starvation of…
Jen Cole: Okay.
Nick Abregu: It’s just a squid.
Jen Cole: Squid.
Nick Abregu: I went to fishing at nighttime.
Jen Cole: Did you eat it?
Nick Abregu: Well, yeah
Jen Cole: Okay.
Nick Abregu: This little school of squid came up to me and I had the light and they just looked at me. And I speared it. Like, it took me a moment. I stared at it and I had a connection and I speared it. Oh my god.
Jen Cole: Did you see those little eyes that goes.
Nick Abregu: And squid has got this big…
Jen Cole: Did you love it?
Nick Abregu: It was a very sad moment actually.
Jen Cole: But does it taste good?
Nick Abregu: It’s delicious.
Jen Cole: It was sort of like the Simpsons, remember he has a lobster? The Simpsons.
Nick Abregu: No, no.
Jen Cole: Yeah Simpsons. Your squid hey.
Nick Abregu: But it’s delicious.
Jen Cole: Did you eat its eyes?
Nick Abregu: No. But they make squid ink using that stuff.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I just think if it’s possible of getting the ink without the squid.
Jen Cole: Can you catch the squid without killing it.
Nick Abregu: I just don’t want to go there.
Jen Cole: No! You come to my doors. I don’t have to go down.
Nick Abregu: Exactly.
Jen Cole: I have a child. I can normally allow to leave.
Nick Abregu: You brought this up.
Jen Cole: Listen…
Nick Abregu: And then you disinfect the driver. Start wiping it down before…
Jen Cole: I just love that everyone thinks like, oh disinfection. We are fine now. Should I even wash my hands actually even if I have not peed before?
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I’ve been getting my new transpire, a lot of vegetables and a lot of foods. And I’m fine.
Jen Cole: I’m fine and I’ve been playing black jack card casino on weekend.
Nick Abregu: Have you? It’s a dangerous place to be?
Jen Cole: Yeah. Crown is like probably the worse!
Nick Abregu: How’d you go? Are you good at black jack?
Jen Cole: I was like, average. It’s just…
Nick Abregu: The party place?
Jen Cole: I don’t know. There are night clubs. I don’t go to night clubs. I’m actually surprise that it’s closing. There are so many closed casinos in Vegas like… I hope they don’t close it.
Nick Abregu: Because of this? Because of what you’re saying?
Jen Cole: From the word that we’re not supposed to say?
Nick Abregu: Yes.
Jen Cole: Yeah. The C word? The other C word?
Nick Abregu: They should not close it.
Jen Cole: Well, you think…
Nick Abregu: Is it too much of a money? It’s just too much money. Like if it close down, probably losing hundred million a day or something or whatever it is.
Jen Cole: Well, I mean, all the people are there for the grand prix that were in there. Like yeah, everyone’s losing money that way. It’s just the whole city is a ghost town. Sad. Yeah, how’s your business going?
Nick Abregu: It’s because, we’re doing it online. We’re okay but we’ve had three video shoots cancelled. That’s all. But it’s not really affecting us. I think. Because we can still do this as long as I don’t get sick.
Jen Cole: Yeah, and this thing is mostly stuck at home. You just have to listen or something.
Nick Abregu: Yeah, exactly. This is the best time for businesses to start creating more content.
Jen Cole: Yeah, it is actually. Can you rap?
Nick Abregu: No.
Jen Cole: Have you tried?
Nick Abregu: I’m too white. I’m too Latino. I can Salsa, but I can’t…
Jen Cole: Is Salsa like a…
Nick Abregu: I’m
Jen Cole: Okay, sing me a Salsa song.
Nick Abregu: No. No.
Jen Cole: Salsa I know is dancing but they told me…Serenade, right?
Nick Abregu: I’m not too lyrical or anything like that.
Jen Cole: Lyrically gifted?
Nick Abregu: Can you rap?
Jen Cole: Only when I have too many drinks.
Nick Abregu: We don’t have drinks here.
Jen Cole: No. I don’t feel like rapping.
Nick Abregu: I should have thought ahead.
Jen Cole: I do like Eminem right now though. He’s good.
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Who’s your favorite rapper though?
Jen Cole: I don’t know. I’m not that…
Nick Abregu: What’s your favorite song?
Jen Cole: I don’t know. Do you have a favorite song? I have a lot of song…
Nick Abregu: So, where do you wanna leave this conversation?
Jen Cole: Like the dodgiest place you’ve got in drugs on…
Nick Abregu: Go on.
Jen Cole: Bangkok.
Nick Abregu: Oh dude, no!
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: No! That’s… they can kill you there.
Jen Cole: I know.
Nick Abregu: That’s a little bit of risk.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Unnecessary risk.
Jen Cole: It’s that stupid song. One night in Bangkok. And I was like; what the f***.
Nick Abregu: I know yeah.
Jen Cole: I’m buying drugs in Bangkok. I did.
Nick Abregu: And was it a fun night?
Jen Cole: It was actually. Apart from the DJ, I think I saw his email address. At a gay like… It was a gay club. We’ve gotta run into his hotel right now. He said why? And I was like; we gotta go and It was just so funny.
Nick Abregu: How long ago? Is this like…
Jen Cole: This is like six years ago maybe. Yeah. They will call you there. It’s worth it.
Nick Abregu: So, my friend, we were traveling with a whole bunch of us and I was with a partner back then. And my friend comes up to us in this like luxury black car and he wants us to like; guys, get in and we were like, what? Those like drug dealer that he had bought drugs from and he got him to give us a lift to the bar that we are going.
Jen Cole: That’s awesome. It’s like…
Nick Abregu: I was like; man. What are you doing? Let’s just catch a cab, Let’s just…
Jen Cole: Why did he do that? That’s awesome.
Nick Abregu: I was a nice story. Right?
Jen Cole: My friend was just telling me the story. I shoot a photo and I don’t remember where’s the place in Europe. He showed me this photo and a guy came in and put a knife right into the bark. It was that big. And it was like; 28 grams.
Nick Abregu: Wow!
Jen Cole: It was like $1100 or something like nothing. He just put a knife.
Nick Abregu: In Bangkok?
Jen Cole: No in Europe. And I was like, that would have really been the coolest thing ever. You know when someone comes with a knife and… I got a bit jealous.
Nick Abregu: You what?
Jen Cole: I got a bit jealous. But I’d love to go to that country.
Nick Abregu: What country?
Jen Cole: Valencia?
Nick Abregu: Is that Spain?
Jen Cole: I think so.
Nick Abregu: In Spain yeah?
Jen Cole: I hope so.
Nick Abregu: Spain is a good country.
Jen Cole: Yeah. And it’s good for cocaine too.
Nick Abregu: Barcelona.
Jen Cole: We’re not allowed to travel right now and that sucks but…
Nick Abregu: We’re stuck on an island.
Jen Cole: Literally.
Nick Abregu: That’s why everything is so expensive here.
Jen Cole: I know. Just like cocaine.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. It has to get shipped in.
Jen Cole: It’s gonna get more expensive and we’re gonna start hoarding.
Nick Abregu: Every house there comes like a drug house.
Jen Cole: 14-day Vendo.
Nick Abregu: It was so funny; I actually saw someone who posted on the internet like…
Jen Cole: Symptoms are. Well, these sounds like a Vendo to me.
Nick Abregu: 14-day quarantine. They would say, that they’ve got what they need.
Jen Cole: It’s a perfect time to be having an affair. Like, can’t come out.
Nick Abregu: Right?
Jen Cole: Can’t stop thinking about it.
Nick Abregu: Or I can learn how to cook like, I’m gonna learn to cook.
Jen Cole: So, you’re gonna be looking fat.
Nick Abregu: That’s right and when it’s time for me to get outside, then I have to start jogging and doing these exercises.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Are you really, quarantine by yourself though? Like…
Nick Abregu: Dude, we’re still gonna talk… what? Okay.
Jen Cole: It’s hard not too coz…
Nick Abregu: I know.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: It’s so silly.
Jen Cole: I have not been in quarantine.
Nick Abregu: And then we are just flashing blackjack and just having a good time.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Yeah.
Jen Cole: I might get to date her right now. She’s cool. She’s not playing blackjack at daycare but…
Nick Abregu: Let’s notice like…
Jen Cole: There’s definitely less kids their noticed. Well, they have store over there. They’re fine. The city is really quiet its really weird.
Nick Abregu: I know. What the h*** right?
Jen Cole: I don’t know but it’s like on day 15, we are all on different day, and it’s like we’re all on different day of the cycle but it’s like.
Nick Abregu: Lucky for me, I grown for being told I’m not gonna look with being different. I’m not growing a little bit actual. Anaways, sorry in advance; we’re gonna get you out of business.
Jen Cole: You’re already gone.
Nick Abregu: It’s just not f*** enough, you’re selling your stuff online. Just good luck with that.
Jen Cole: Actually, selling online might be a good time to sell.
Nick Abregu: I know. I know, right?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: eBay.
Jen Cole: We should be buying things right now.
Nick Abregu: You can create porn, or you can sell s*** on eBay.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I’ll sell s*** on eBay.
Jen Cole: I’ll make porn.
Nick Abregu: What about brings in the…
Jen Cole: The most dollar?
Nick Abregu: Hold on, we’ve lost you.
Jen Cole: Oh, you lost me.
Nick Abregu: I think they can still hear us. There you go. We’re back. This is really high-tech stuff, just a little…
Jen Cole: Is it? Can you change my voice?
Nick Abregu: Let’s do it. Hold on, do you wanna… here we go. I’m here again.
Jen Cole: Hello.
Nick Abregu: I’ll give you careless voice. Go.
Jen Cole: Hello? Is this uncle Lee?
Nick Abregu: No! I’m your father.
Jen Cole: I’ll rate you. Hello?
Nick Abregu: There you go.
Jen Cole: This is the Gorilla? Are you getting down on me?
Nick Abregu: No. I have to work this.
Jen Cole: Can you tell me prices.
Nick Abregu: Alright let’s turn this off.
Jen Cole: I would totally prank call people with that.
Nick Abregu: Right?
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Right?
Jen Cole: Yeah. Friday nights. Oh my gosh.
Nick Abregu: Oh, man. We so should.
Jen Cole: Yes, we should. That’s actually quite funny.
Nick Abregu: Listed that on…
Jen Cole: Bring back prank calling and actually say something stupid.
Nick Abregu: Let’s do it.
Jen Cole: Like have you tried calling and don’t say anything? Like, if your gonna call me; say something funny.
Nick Abregu: That is so much fun.
Jen Cole: Yeah. Prank calls on Fridays.
Nick Abregu: We have to get like ah….
Jen Cole: But as we… like serious stuff like; you know, excuse me, I think you lift your house nude on day 13. In some really stern voice. You can call your friends mom, right? In the morning like, oh, no!
Nick Abregu: Alright, we have to name it and we’ll get this done.
Jen Cole: It’s actually funny. And then the government people will take it seriously…
Nick Abregu: We’ll talk to them like in an alien voice.
Jen Cole: No! Like, the stern government voice.
Nick Abregu: Yes!
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. This call is being recorded for trillions.
Jen Cole: We have heard from a… you have been reported by a…
Nick Abregu: You’re breaking my s*** here.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Awesome. So, it’s been a fantastic hour and a half yeah.
Jen Cole: Yeah it was good, and it was late. Sorry.
Nick Abregu: No. It’s alright. We had the whole day planned for this. So, I have cancelled all my meetings.
Jen Cole: Sorry.
Nick Abregu: Nope. It’s my pleasure.
Jen Cole: I can tell you a story; a funny story and it’s already late so, that’s for another day.
Nick Abregu: We’d love to have you back on.
Jen Cole: I’d love to.
Nick Abregu: It was so much fun.
Jen Cole: Yeah, it was good. I’m gonna bring something back for your platter.
Nick Abregu: Oh, really! Would you like to have a second apple stuff…?
Jen Cole: No, I’m good.
Nick Abregu: It’s vegetarian.
Jen Cole: I’m good.
Nick Abregu: No meat products.
Jen Cole: You made me proud.
Nick Abregu: I’ll list a bear right it, and so, go. Ignore that.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Jen, thank you so…
Jen Cole: I got a Gorilla actually.
Nick Abregu: A what?
Jen Cole: A Gorilla.
Nick Abregu: In there, like a real one?
Jen Cole: No. A dominating one.
Nick Abregu: Have you seen that logo?
Jen Cole: Yeah. I have seen your logo, but I haven’t seen any dominating Gorilla over your vegetables.
Nick Abregu: Really? Like looking a one day like…
Jen Cole: No. Like an actual one like one day, it went from… like… Anyways, I forgot.
Nick Abregu: Jen, thank you so much for coming on.
Jen Cole: Thank you for having me.
Nick Abregu: It’s been a real pleasure.
Jen Cole: And, let’s prank some people.
Nick Abregu: Let’s do it. I’m glad that we had this time to get to know each other.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And, I’m going to do it again.
Jen Cole: Yes. I’m looking forward too.
Nick Abregu: And I know you have responsibilities now. The little kid. So, enjoy the rest of the day.
Jen Cole: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: And enjoy the rest of your day.
Jen Cole: Yes.
Nick Abregu: And thank you everyone for listening.
Jen Cole: Thank you!
Nick Abregu: We’re out!
Jen Cole: Cheers!
Nick Abregu: Bye.
Jen Cole: Bye.