Jarrod Conroy
Jarrod Conroy is the Co-Founder of Bunjil & Prana Energy.
Jarrod Conroy is an awesome guy! He cares about the planet we live on and want to thrive on supporting corporate Australia in reducing their environmental carbon footprint and reducing their energy expenditure.
We spent a good time talking about Jarrod’s journey as an apprentice in the electrical trade industry until he started his own renewable energy business. And he shared how he wants to bring back our soil to the levels of health we experience hundreds of years ago. I think Jarrod’s passion for disruptive technologies and the care he has for the planet we live on helped him succeed!

Full Transcript
Nick Abregu: Hey Google! Who do I know or who did this world know that combines by hacking modern science and ancestral wisdom?
Jarrod Conroy: Jared Conroy.
Nick Abregu: Oh, brilliant! Welcome to our Hey Google podcast Jarrod, nice to have you here man.
Jarrod Conroy: Hey Nick, it’s really good to be here and I love how we connected in such a short time ago. And now we’re sitting here today having a podcast together.
Nick Abregu: We connected deeply. On a deeply like almost straightaway which was a, it was… it’s rare to find that I think.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, it was, it was. We had that kind of… that first catch up. And then sort of the second catch up we kind of like, you know, just like, you know, opened up the shirt and come in. Went pretty date to the point where we had waitresses coming up to us going like, “Wow! What you guys were talking about was amazing.” Like almost, like they just want to be friends with us and kind of get to know what we were talking about because they could kind of pick up on our energy. And that what kind of ears dropping as well. Yeah, that was cool.
Nick Abregu: So, for those that don’t know you, Jarrod, tell us a little bit about what you do. Let’s talk about professionally and what… and then tell me a bit about what you love to do.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, sure. So, I kicked off my career as an electrician. So, you know, less school sort of year 11 wasn’t really sort of fitting into the whole sort of education system. Wanted to kind of do my own thing and create my own sort of sovereignty and independence. So, yeah, decided to leave school end of year 11 and kind of explored different trades to do. And you know, everyone was saying sparkies get paid the most, so my kind of entrepreneurial sort of business mind kind of jumped straight into to the electrical trade. And yeah, I worked in that industry as an apprentice for three four years and quickly got my license. And started my own business and that was the time sort of about ten years ago when the renewable energies industry sort of kicked off in Australia where there were, you know, lots of different government subsidies sort of coming into place. So, and naturally fell into the renewable energy industry and started my own business. That was eight years ago. And sort of fast-forward today, now I’ve created three renewable energy companies, you know, about 35 staff across three businesses. And, you know, grown from like doing residential sort of work to working in, you know, commercial, industrial space and developing our own solar farms. And moving into other sort of technologies and, you know, things like soil carbon sequestration where we’re looking at, you know, soil health and how we can, you know, bring our soil back to the levels of health we experienced hundreds of years ago. So, you know…
Nick Abregu: Dude you’re a baller. You’re a baller in the renewable energy sector, aren’t you?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, it’s been just good timing to be in the sector because it’s literally going from zero to 100 over, you know, the past sort of 10 years. So, it was definitely… I had timing on my side. I kind of got in there and I had that kind of back-end installation experience. And I just, you know, surrounded myself with good people and quickly learned how to sell. And how to market and how to build, you know, back in front-end teams. And scale of business, you know, I think one of my core sort of attributes is, you know, I’m a big risk taker as well. So, you know, having, you know, calculated sort of risk analysis and kind of jumping into different ventures, you know, that kind of paid off for me, you know, rather than being kind of conservative and holding back. I’m kind of an all-in type of guy. So…
Nick Abregu: What’s the ratio from small risks taken to big risks? So, like if you had to lay that out on say a piece of paper, how many high risks have… high-risk decisions would you make as opposed to small risk?
Jarrod Conroy: I definitely had more heavily weighted to the high risk. I guess the way I operate is like not to come from a place of fear. So, I don’t really have too many limiting beliefs to what I can achieve. So, if I can see somebody else has done it or somebody else is thinking about doing it, I kind of just back myself and do it. I don’t kind of sit around and sort of procrastinate. I kind of just back myself and take sort of anything on. So, if I see a possibility or a vision or an outcome that I’d like to fulfill, I kind of just got, yep let’s do it. Kind of strap myself in and kind of jump into it. And then yeah look I’ve done some business deals that have gone south and I’ve lost money but I’ve also learnt a lot as well. So, yeah, probably not a lot of, you know, due diligence and things like that. A lot of kind of intuition and, you know, if I resonate with someone or, you know, I’ve done a lot of stupid things as well in my earlier days. But yeah, more from just I guess backing myself and being like the engineer mind that’s gonna sit there and do due diligence and research everything five, six times. And you know, cross-reference everything, you know, I’m just like nah, let’s kind of, let’s do it.
Nick Abregu: It’s the testosterone in us men that makes us do the stupid things.
Jarrod Conroy: Right, yeah and mine is pretty high as well.
Nick Abregu: That’s how you know you got high testosterone if you’re doing stupid things.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, right. Yeah, we kind of got that from our, you know, our childhood, didn’t we, you know?
Nick Abregu: The monkey in us.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, like climbing trees, you know, I broke my arm three times, you know, riding motorbikes, all that sort of stuff. So…
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah!
Nick Abregu: Geez! Dude, I’ve had some pretty bad stacks riding a dirt bike. I once went around… do you know the term? Is it dirt bikes that you rode?
Jarrod Conroy: I rode… the first time I rode a dirt bike, I broke my arms. So, I didn’t get back on the dirt bikes, you know, I was heavily into downhill mountain bike riding like full cross-race. And you know, me and my mates would, you know, for like four or five years straight, all those we did, would do… would be to go into the woods and build jumps. And you know, my mom drove me and a bunch of mates up to Thredbo. One year for the National downhill mountain bike championships when we were still in…
Nick Abregu: You competed?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, when we were still in year nine. I come on in my high school at the time, kind of one of the PE teachers got into it. So, there was a bit of a community that was built in the school and, you know, the older kids kind of got the younger kids into it. And yeah, that created a lot of fulfillment for me and my younger days as well. And looking back on it now, it’s just so great to spend so much time in nature but you know man, as a child I didn’t really have that connection to how important it was to be grounded or not and to spend time in nature. But you know, I was literally hands in mud and dirt every weekend, you know, building dirt jumps and it was great. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: I feel like we all… we come back to it. If it was really in us like even though we may not have had it as a child like when we have the ability to do things that we want to do or we can do. We go back to the things that we love like we love being in natures, you always go back, right? You…
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, it’s built into our DNA, right? Yeah, it’s from our, you know, primal ancestral days, right? That hasn’t changed.
Nick Abregu: And there’s something about being in the woods, in the in nature and forest. There’s just so calming and relaxing. And if you find a little bit of water anywhere, that trickle of water is just, like it changes your entire brain. How you think, even if it is for that time and then maybe for a few more weeks afterwards. It’s kind of nice, you feel relaxed and calm and yeah.
Jarrod Conroy: Totally, like yeah, the more elements we can experience at any given time I feel like. Then yeah, that definitely sort of amplifies the experience in nature. So, if you’ve got the trees that are thousands of years old and you’ve got the creeks sort of running. And then you’ve got you know organic soil. You’ve got the sun coming down, you’ve got the wind around you. You know, that’s essentially all the elements in one experience.
Nick Abregu: Dude you are an interesting young gentleman. Well, from the conversations we’ve had in the past, you’re just on a different frequency to most people and I love that.
Jarrod Conroy: Thank you, man.
Nick Abregu: I absolutely love that.
Jarrod Conroy: Thank you.
Nick Abregu: We can… like just the things you were saying last time about going out to get what you want. And we had a conversation about asking the universe versus taking from the universe. And what you said about just putting your thoughts up in a certain frequency, and different frequency and it comes to you. I thought that was pretty interesting. But I can’t remember the name of the person that you told me to look up.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah it might have been someone like Joe Dispenza.
Nick Abregu: That’s the one.
Jarrod Conroy: That’s the one?
Nick Abregu: That’s the one.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, and like that sort of doing work with people like Joe Dispenza now, you know, I was… I went through a big sort of hero’s journey in a long path to kind of arrive at, you know, the law of vibration and quantum physics. The stuff that Joe dispenser goes into. But essentially my path started off looking for more, in searching for more answers. When I was kind of 18 or 19, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I wasn’t super severe where I was like, you know, at home and couldn’t do anything but it was definitely enough to knock me around a bit. And like I was still functional. I could play football and still go to work, you know, but sometimes I was going to the toilet 15-20 times a day. And would be passing blood through and I was having to get, you know, like iron infusions to get my energy levels up again. But yeah, it was a real sort of up-and-down for me. And you know, I started off in the hospital system, you know, having colonoscopies. And you know, the specialist doctors, you know, kind of giving me the feedback that they don’t know why people end up with this. There’s no cure. There’s very little we know about this. However, we do have a bunch of pharmaceutical drugs that we can subscribe you to for the rest of your life. That may or may not support, you know, the symptoms that you’re experiencing. So, you know, I think I went on to my first bout of steroids from this doctor. And, you know, it was making sort of very little difference and then quickly my, you know, my soul and my intuition was like something’s not right here. And that was kind of… it’s kind of how I work in business as well. It’s kind of like working things out for myself and, you know, just like being a leader and looking at the cause and the effect of things. So, I quickly kind of went down a different sort of holistic path. And started researching, you know, all things about the gut and the gut mind connection. And, you know, fertility in the gut and the things that we’re putting in our body. And things like glyphosate and GMOs and how that’s impacting our gut health. And you know, food additives and junk food, processed food. What stress was doing to the body. What, like how my thoughts at the time were contributing to what was going on in my body, you know, like I used to bottle up a lot as a kid. So, I definitely feel like there was a connection between bottling things up and then having, you know, problems with my digestive system. Because essentially my digestive system was just hanging on to everything and it wasn’t flowing as it was supposed to. So, you know, I quickly exited the hospitals and the doctors never went back again. And you know, just started getting on to more sort of holistic sort of supplementation and nutrition and I ended up actually shutting down my business at one point. Because I noticed a bit of improvement. I got into some, like some probiotics and some super grains and some fibers. Was feeling really good at the time and I was like what am I kind of doing in life? And so, I ended up, you know, sharing my business and kind of really going around the world for about nine months. Not around the world but I went to, you know, the US, Central South America. Went to the jungle for six months and you know drank some medicine with a bunch of, you know, the elders out in the Amazon and really sort of found myself. And you know, just one thing kind of led to another, you know, as soon as that sort of exploration into… sort of more opened up. That was kind of the domino effect. That kind of has led me to having conversations with you around, you know. Like what is reality, you know, quantum physics, lower vibration. That we create everything with our… with what we think and what we believe and what we experience.
Nick Abregu: That’s a deep conversation to have especially with someone you just met.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah right?
Nick Abregu: But we went down that rabbit hole a little bit. I think we just peeked in.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah! Well, I’m at this point like I think a lot of people are, you know… we’re in 2020 now. It’s clear vision. So, I’m like, I actually struggle having small chat with people especially at parties around the street. You know it’s like, how are you? Like, what’s… can you believe the weather yesterday? Like it just like I just can’t do it, you know. So, if I’m gonna like invest my time with someone I just need to connect with them straight away. And especially if I resonate with someone, you know, there’s a magic there or just you know that constraints that connection and build some relatability with the other person.
Nick Abregu: Yeah. So, the other day we… my partner and I, we laid on the beach at nighttime and just stared at the stars. The train of thought that goes through your mind like, hey! For me it always brings me back to the point like, what the hell are we doing here? I have no idea. You look at how vast everything is and you’re just a small little speck of just, matter. Just doing your thing and like does it matter? Does it not matter? I just… it just so many questions unanswered. I’m like, nah, I’m going home. I can’t. I can’t deal with these questions anymore.
Jarrod Conroy: I know, right? It’s like we make everything, so like significant in this world whereas we’re just like a speck in the cosmos, right?
Nick Abregu: The older I get, the question of like what is the meaning of life just seems to be pounding at me more and more. Like what are you doing here? I just don’t understand. It’s these questions, I’m gonna be crazy thinking about it. And then you die. Like what? Come on, man! You live your life asking your question, what’s the meaning of life and then you just die.
Jarrod Conroy: You leave out, we leave our skin bags and then we kind of…
Nick Abregu: We go somewhere else.
Jarrod Conroy: Move into another skin bag quickly, right?
Nick Abregu: There was a good analogy about your TV, right? Like your TV, it represents the human body, right? But what makes it alive or what makes it its character is the say, the TV show, right? The TV show is coming down from a signal, from somewhere, right? If the TV breaks or the TV dies, does it mean that the signals not there anymore?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, that’s a cool analogy.
Nick Abregu: I know. That’s kind of, it might not be exactly but it’s… because like when you talk to yourself, who the hell are you talking to? When I’m asking myself questions in my mind, who is that voice talking to? Why am I trying to rationalize with myself? that makes absolutely no sense.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, we’re gonna get… we’re gonna…
Nick Abregu: Am I right? Like, how weird is that?
Jarrod Conroy: I think everyone that’s probably the… I mean everyone has direct experience having, you know, too many conversations with the egoic mind. And then you know, having those beautiful experiences where we connect to our intuition. And you know, we go with the first thought, you know, the gut feeling. And it’s… that’s the work of life, you know, distinguishing between the egoic mind and the heart and the spirit.
Nick Abregu: For sure.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Dude, I love what you talk about connecting more to a different frequency. That’s not really what we know as the say, the society’s frequency, right? I want to ask you, you told me last time that you’ve implemented this into your workforce, right? And your team you walk into your office with a smiling face and everyone’s smiling. Do you feel like you’ve passed that on? All this knowledge to them? You feel like your energy makes them feel more at ease or more at maybe not so much at ease but if I’m trying to ask the question, do you feel like they have absorbed your energy?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, it’s a really good question and it’s probably a question that we could ask a lot of them. I’m sure they’d all have kind of mixed answers but yeah, they definitely have absorbed a big part of who I am in my essence and the energy that I bring into the office. You know, there’s a huge mural that goes, you know, 20 meters down the wall. You know, we’ve got an amazing vertical wall guard and we’ve got plants throughout the whole office, you know. Upstairs we’ve just got natural light beaming through, you know. We play, you know, awesome music in the office. People bring their dogs to work, you know, it’s a real sort of casual environment but we get s*** done. And we work, you know, with multinational companies and we’re always taking on new challenges, you know. So, yeah, like if I walk into my office, the experience that I have is everyone’s laughing, everyone’s like brothers in there, everyone’s having a really good time. I feel like if someone’s having a bad time at home, they’re gonna love coming into my office because like they get a sense of, you know, this real relaxed, you know, co-working, you know, collaborative sort of space with a lot of high performers. And you know, there’s a real… everyone’s eating good food in there, you know, we collect our own water from Mount Donna Buang, you know, we’ve got chill-out space.
Nick Abregu: Sorry, sorry. Hold on, you collect your own water?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Can you elaborate on that please?
Jarrod Conroy: Lets, rewind. So, most people know that our body is in a circus sort of somewhere around 70% water and the mass of the Earth is about sort of 70% water as well. So, water is like a really important thing, you know, where we consume it from the time, we get up to the time we go to bed. So, for me it’s one of… if not the most important things that we need to look at and address within health and within consumption. So, Mount Donna Buang is a… it’s a natural spring. It’s up near Warburton. It’s about, you know, an hour’s drive from the office. And they had some of the purest cleanest mineralized water on the planet. And there’s a collection point there where you can take your own water bottles. And yeah, we’ve created a bit of our habit in the office where people will rotate, more of the on-site guys that have got the bands who’ll kind of go through a rotation system, you know, once a month or once every two months. So, it’ll sort of take 30-40 you know large 15 liters bottles down there and they’ll collect rainwater… spring water, sorry, for the, you know, for the office. And they bring it back and that will last us about eight weeks. So, everyone has this really, you know, revitalizing energetic water in the office. So, just that alone I know has a huge impact on the environment.
Nick Abregu: Dude that’s awesome.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, you know…
Nick Abregu: We drink, I guess mineral water a lot at home but like when you run out and there’s… you have to drink the tap water. And then, we say Melbourne has got some of the best water in the world but still you can taste the chlorine. Like am I crazy that I’m tasting chlorine in this water?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff that they add into the water that just shouldn’t be in the water. Like we just don’t need it and it has a negative impact on our health. So, I’m sure we’ve got state-of-the-art processing plants and the latest technology that, you know, they’re the stuff in the water that just doesn’t agree with the human body, you know. And so, you know, I choose not to consume any water that comes from the tap. I’ve even got a filter on my showerhead as well at home really and I am… I really look forward to the day where I live off-grid and I collect my own water as well. And I’m just completely away from town water or I also look forward to the day where, you know, just the consciousness rises in local communities. And we can have a say in what we put in our town water as well. Like sometimes it’s not about breaking away from the system or creating a new system. It’s just about taking control back of the system that we should have a saying, you know. So, for me that the community should vote on what we put in the water but to this present day it’s not a choice that the community has, you know.
Nick Abregu: That’s a very solid point. It’s something that we have no choice to consume and yet we have no decision-making power. That is a very solid point.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, so, you know, I feel like the tide is changing and a lot of those sort of…
Nick Abregu: And I guess that’s why maybe the whole issue with vaccines, it’s the same thing. We have no choice but to have these vaccines. But we don’t have a choice in what goes in them and I’m not a scientist or anything but surely there should be.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, I read an article just recently and it was… I think America is going through a more rapid shift in Australia at the moment. But it was there was an article that was published saying that if your family or your parents are worth a net amount or they make a certain amount and they’re actually exempt from getting vaccines now and it was just the lower.
Nick Abregu: What?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, the lower sort of population, a lower demographics that were still having the enforcement to get vaccines. So, now they’re creating sort of categories on sort of who’s exempt and who is not exempt. And then, you know, you’ve got all these countries that are banning it and bringing back in free will and choice. So, I feel like Australia will get there and we’ll go full circle as well. It’s just a matter of time to just sort of… just see that cycle play out and then, you know, if I… that’s kind of sort of what I’m observing right now. That, sure Australia is very rigid and, you know, the pharmaceuticals have got a real sort of stranglehold on Australia. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: It’s so important to observe. That’s a very powerful statement. That it’s important to observe first of what’s going on and make sure that you have an informed decision. I guess when you’re doing anything really like make an informed decision based on what’s going on.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, we live in this crazy information data age, you know, like what you were saying before. Like hey Google, like you know, we’re living in this age of so much information. So, how do we have discernment and how do we have the time and the, you know, the mental capacity to sort of… sort through that information. And how do we arrive at what’s true and what’s not true, you know, and I feel like that’s not an overnight ability tool to develop, you know, that’s something that’s incremental. And it’s something that’s developed over time. And for me it’s like when I want to find out about a new topic or about something, now I use like four or five six different lenses to arrive at the truth. You know, am I resonating with the person? Do they actually honor and respect their own body? Like you know what I mean, like do they eat clean wholesome food because if they put in junk food into their body, I’m probably not gonna listen to them straight off the bat. Because you know, if they’re not walking after their body they’re not connected to the earth. They’re not connected to the earth. They’re gonna have, you know, a muddy mind they’re not gonna be thinking clear they’re gonna be easily persuaded by different agendas and people trying to push narratives. So, that’s the first thing I look at if I’m gonna take advice from someone or it’s looking for guidance, you know. My first lens is like, oh, that do they actually honor and respect their body. You know, are they a heart centered sort of person? Not so much what are their qualifications but you know what are they doing in the world?
Nick Abregu: Like how good are they at making decisions based or rather finding the truth.
Jarrod Conroy: Like what impact are they’re having on the world? What are they actually up to in the world, you know?
Nick Abregu: Yeah, yeah.
Jarrod Conroy: You know the type of lenses that I’ll put into kind of evaluate and then if you…
Nick Abregu: That’s nice you go… you have a value set that helps you that guide you into making the right decisions whether it’s based on someone or based on something right?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, totally a value set that I’ve developed over the years. And then I certainly will apply that to the person I’m, you know, doing due diligence on all the information I’m reading.
Nick Abregu: Absolutely!
Jarrod Conroy: And then eventually you’ve arrived at all these people on the same frequency of you. And if then you’ve got this digital army or this digital community and, you know, once you can act to someone that’s, you know, on that same level. You’re not gonna take everything that they, say for gospel that, you know, eight, nine times out of ten, you know. The things that they’re researching and posting. You’re gonna… you’re going to look at them closely, you know. So, I’ve developed this incredible… I call it like an online sort of community where, you know, it’s people that have done the work. They’re changemakers in the world. They’re making an impact. They will go after their body and they’re all pretty aligned with the stuff they’re speaking about. And the stuff they do speak about, you know, they’re so ahead of the curve, you know. Then you start to see it happen in six months, twelve months, or two years. They’re already there, you know, they’re like time travelers already seeing what the future is gonna look like.
Nick Abregu: I think that’s the rounding yourself with these people is that you grow so much faster as well.
Jarrod Conroy: Totally, yeah!
Nick Abregu: That’s because these people just…
Jarrod Conroy: Absolutely! it’s incredible because we move into this open source community kinda centric sort of decentralized network. It’s like I listen to a podcast the other day. It’s like, you know, there’s thousands of years of wisdom and knowledge to build like a permaculture farm. That it’s every community going to… kind of go through that process to go through all the errors and making mistakes and research and errors. It’s one community just gonna have a guide and a blueprint to pass on to the next community or the next country or the next state. And that’s when we’re moving into this open sourced…
Nick Abregu: Living?
Jarrod Conroy: Movement and living, yeah. Where we can share like what’s working and what’s not working really quickly and effective. And we’re moving away from this like is sort of trying to compete with everyone as well. It’s like I don’t want to share that with this person because then they’re going to steal my idea and, you know, whereas like, you know, the people I’m surrounded with or like, oh I’d love to like help you and share that with you because it’s gonna play a part in creating a better world. And creating more leaders, you know. And they’re not in fear or scarcity on sharing some information with the other person.
Nick Abregu: Yeah, that would be a nice place to live.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Hey, are you enjoying this?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah. It’s solid, really in flow yeah.
Nick Abregu: It is, yeah? But by the way I just realized, I’ve worked out yesterday that the trick to getting into a cold water it’s just… is just a sprint into the water and just don’t give a s***.
Jarrod Conroy: Interesting.
Nick Abregu: Don’t let your mind think?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, it’s definitely one.
Nick Abregu: Your mind is a bit of a son of a bitch. it’s the Antichrist.
Jarrod Conroy: Well I’ve got this thing, you know, three, two, one, gets s*** done. So…
Nick Abregu: Oh, I like that.
Jarrod Conroy: That is the three second role. So, you can apply it to anything in life.
Nick Abregu: Jarrod Conroy, three, two, one, gets s*** done.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah!
Nick Abregu: You heard it here folks! You heard it here first.
Jarrod Conroy: I can’t take credit for it, but you know again I surround myself with…
Nick Abregu: Well you have now, it’s implanted on anything.
Jarrod Conroy: I am not Google.
Nick Abregu: Just like we have 20 billion listeners to this podcast. We own it, it’s here.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, so cool.
Nick Abregu: Tell me, I want to talk about your biohacking because this space is close to my heart as well. How you get with those glasses that you got?
Jarrod Conroy: Which ones?
Nick Abregu: You got the… you are opening up your…
Jarrod Conroy: Right, right! Yeah, so…
Nick Abregu: Packaged at the, you know, meeting. You’re so excited for it.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, so I’m just super passionate about that whole space at the moment. And you know, I certainly have a bit of an addictive personality gene. So, when I see something, I apply the addictive personality gene, the impulse buying, and the three two one gets s*** done. And I end up with like five or six packages arriving at my office every day. So… but, yeah, back to your question on the blue like glasses. Yeah, I’d been running with a couple of the yellow lenses which are more for like, you know, during the day if you’re inside, exposed to blue light. But yeah, the other pair I got were like a clear lens. So, they were more of a sort of as aesthetically sort of pleasing if you’re not into the yellow lenses.
Nick Abregu: Did you bring them today?
Jarrod Conroy: Which I am… I don’t have them with me. I do have the yellow ones with me, yeah.
Nick Abregu: Get them out. Let’s have a look. These are pretty cool. It’s like we are taking a trip into 2040 right now. Let’s have a look at these bad boys.
Jarrod Conroy: These are like aviator style. So, I kind of look like…
Nick Abregu: Oh dude!
Jarrod Conroy: A bit of a like 50 sort of drug dealer, you know. Just give me a minute while I polish it.
Nick Abregu: This would have fit what I was describing today like going on a dancefloor with a flare. White flares and a white shirt. This is perfect.
Jarrod Conroy: These are really funky pairs.
Nick Abregu: I’m trying to convince my partner to let me have a moustache. She looked at one of my pictures and she laughed. I don’t know how to take this.
Jarrod Conroy: Plays with a moustache, like yeah. Your podcast would go exponential straightaway. It’s all good at the edge.
Nick Abregu: Oh, d***! Look at that. That’s brilliant.
Jarrod Conroy: So, these are called swan six. So, they’re like an American brand. They’ve got really good lenses. So yeah, I am all for the aviator.
Nick Abregu: That’s cool man. That is cool! When I used to fly… I used to fly small Cessna planes and I specifically went out to get aviators just for that because you have to be the part.
Jarrod Conroy: You have to like to be the whole sort of Tom Cruise sort of look.
Nick Abregu: Yeah, exactly!
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, anyone that would talk to me, I just take them off and give them like this stare. You’ve got to do it, why not. Dude, they look cool man!
Jarrod Conroy: Thanks, man. Yeah, so, blue light blockers, you know, what are they…
Nick Abregu: Are they… so, are they on the inside tinted as well, just on the front? Like where’s the magic happening, on the front or through the whole lens?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, I don’t know the manufacturing process but, you know, I think it’s just the whole lens.
Nick Abregu: Because I’m just seeing like the light, we have here that’s bouncing in from this side. It’s the blue light bouncing back in.
Jarrod Conroy: Look you can get; they make like nighttime ones which are like fully sealed around the edges but from some of the research that I’ve heard the extra benefits by having like a fully closed lens isn’t that substantial. But it’s… I think it is really good for the nighttime one because you’re literally blocking out all the light. And you’ve got the red light lens but I think for the sake of like a daytime use lens then, you know, this is doing, you know, the majority of the blue light that sorted the junk light. So, these are definitely more than enough…
Nick Abregu: That’s cool man.
Jarrod Conroy: During the day, yeah.
Nick Abregu: I like them.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, they’re working well? You said you said that you feel more tired when you’ve got the…
Jarrod Conroy: Well, essentially… well the blue light, the impacts that it has on our bodies and our cell is it damages the cells of the retina. So, and from the research that I’ve done like that can’t be recovered either, so it’s like it’s like gradual chipping away at the cellular level of your retinas, you know. So, that’s why people end up losing their eyesight when they get to a certain age. So, these are protecting your retinas from the blue light, junk light. It’s kind of just like pollution, right? Kind of like why we have junk mail on our emails to stop things coming into that fields that are not beneficial for us. So, you know, so also, it’s impacting, you know, your melatonin. So, you’re gonna generate less melatonin when you go to sleep. So, it’s going to impact your sleep cycles, your circadian rhythm, it also impacts, you know, your nervous system. So, you know, your sympathetic nervous system as well, you know, with a bit of blue light it’s going to put you more on edge. It’s gonna just put your, you know, the energetics of your body out of whack. So…
Nick Abregu: I remember taking cold showers and I know you do them too.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: With cold showers at night just put you two straights to bed. Like for me, that were just within about 10 minutes of getting out of a cold shower, I’m dead asleep.
Jarrod Conroy: Again, it’s a reset to the whole central nervous system, you know. So, if you’ve had a day in the office and you’ve had coffees and you’re under stress running between meetings, yeah, your nervous system is going to be very stimulated. So, meditation, you know, there’s breathing techniques. It’ll get you into the parasympathetic nervous system things like cold showers, you know, different herbs that are going to also sort of support the nervous system. So, any of those are gonna absolutely… they’re gonna get you to sleep quicker. You’re gonna sleep for deeper, for longer, and have, you know, better sleep cycles. Better REM sleep as well.
Nick Abregu: Yeah, tell me what was the first biohacking thing that you came across?
Jarrod Conroy: It’s really interesting because I essentially, I mean everyone’s a biohacker especially, you know, the ancient people of this world, you know. So, like we have this thing that biohacking like gadgets and toys but a lot of the biohacking community a moment, you know, talking about things like earth and ground and like there’s an ancient thing that have been around forever, you know. But we’re just sort of catching up now and to the benefits of, you know, just standing on the grass for two times for 20 minutes a day, you know. But I started more off in there, I guess the esoteric sort of quantum realm, you know, like I really… I went to the Amazon, you know, I drank plant medicine with, you know, sort of sacred communities. And I was really into like things like Nikola Tesla and you know, a lot of people kind of start the other way and then move into more of the vibrational sort of technologies. But I really just got super drawn and into the vibrational sort of…
Nick Abregu: We come from an electrical background.
Jarrod Conroy: Right, exactly! Yeah, so even things like instruments, you know, I learned to play the didgeridoo and like the sensation, the vibrations that, that would send through my body and the constant breathing, you know. The circular breath in the vibration of the sound. The actual vibration of the didgeridoo. The breathing things like that. I was just really into, you know, sort of has, six, seven years ago…
Nick Abregu: How amazing is it? Did you do that it’s got that perfect pitch. It’s like, it’s one note and it’s the perfect note. Like if you just get that… the hum, the harmonics going of the didgeridoo. It’s just…
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, the note of the didgeridoo is based on the shape that the termites carve out and shape that the… whoever’s creating the didgeridoo kind of creates it. So, that’s what’s so fascinating. You can have a C, you can have a D, you can have an E, depending on the shape, the type of tree that came through, you know, the swamp of termites that came through.
Nick Abregu: It’s amazing!
Jarrod Conroy: And then you know, yeah, yes, I personally just ended up… I would just pick up one and play a bunch of them. And that are resonating with a certain note and take it from there.
Nick Abregu: I think my ones a D.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, is it a D?
Nick Abregu: Yeah, it’s a nice tone. It’s a nice tone, yeah? When it’s played. It resonates the whole house.
Jarrod Conroy: So, you got one as well. I didn’t even know that.
Nick Abregu: Yeah!
Jarrod Conroy: That’s cool.
Nick Abregu: My brother actually bought it for me when he went to Alice Springs? I want to say. He you just brought it back. He goes, here learn play this.
Jarrod Conroy: I love it.
Jarrod Conroy: And as soon as I learned to, I never understood circular breathing and I just like played the one note until I ran out of breath.
Jarrod Conroy: That’s how we all start, right? There you go again.
Nick Abregu: And then I learned circular breathing and it just…
Jarrod Conroy: Nice! You got it?
Nick Abregu: Yeah. It’s just so nice.
Jarrod Conroy: What an amazing feeling when your kind of just get that rhythm going. It’s just…
Nick Abregu: Do you think so many parts of your brain to make that function happen?
Jarrod Conroy: Right?
Nick Abregu: So good.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, it’s kind of like the, you know, rubbing the head and stomach at the same time, you know. It’s just so counterintuitive to inhale oxygen whilst we’re exhaling, you know, it’s so counterintuitive.
Nick Abregu: I don’t have that clean flow though. It’s like, and then I can hear the breathing coming in. It’s like more of a push of an air, but I’ve got to work on that.
Jarrod Conroy: I mean how boring would it be if we could all just pick up a didgeridoo and be perfect at it from day one right? I think it its’…
Nick Abregu: That’s true
Jarrod Conroy: Adds to the experience going through that journey learning circular breathing and you know getting the straw out in the cup and doing the cheek exercises…
Nick Abregu: Straw in the cup?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, you can just get a straw and put it in a cup of water. And just blow the water whilst you try to inhale oxygen at the same time. So, it’s just a lot less work on the muscles and you’re check and your jaw. So, they showed up.
Nick Abregu: Less distractions, so you can focus on getting the circulation.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah!
Nick Abregu: That’s cool.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, just less pressure.
Nick Abregu: Yeah!
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah!
Nick Abregu: Dude, when was your first biohacking experience?
Jarrod Conroy: Well, as I said, I was… I’ve always been biohacking with just, you know, being in nature and things like that. But getting into like the whole science of it, into the biohacking community, it was only actually last year. I think I moved more into a ketogenic diet, right? So, I was getting more into the fats and putting butter in my coffee. And you know, I was always into Tim Ferriss and those sorts of people. And I came across Dave Asprey on a Tim Ferriss podcast. And just the way Dave Asprey was articulating his story and all of his products and how much like he’s, like the opposite to me. Like he’s got the engineering mind and he can just go… like he’s just like he’s on another level. You know, the depth that he goes to and how we can just like quantify and pull everything together so quickly through, you know, like self-experience. It just blew my mind. I was like this guy’s on another level. And listening to his journey, on all the illnesses that he had, you know, he had like mold toxin poisoning from a young age. And he could barely function, you know, his brain fog. Was just like ridiculous and you know his energy levels. And he felt like he was a 6-year old when he was sort of 30. And yeah, listening to his story and you know, doing more research into his company bulletproof. And then you know, going through his products and then listening to his podcast that, you know, all the, you know, the global leaders in all different fields. It really just sparked something inside of me and yeah. So, I picked up some of his books actually whilst I was just unaidable while I was in Switzerland last year. And I just went deep into all of his books, unaidable. And that just kind of… that was the domino effect from me. So, I think one of the first things I did was definitely buy a pair a blue light blocker straightaway and then I bought myself an oura ring that, you know, measures my sleep. I’ve got a continuous glucose monitor in my arm at the moment. So, I get 24/7 blood glucose readings so I can…
Nick Abregu: Manipulators you mean.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, I can see what foods spike my…
Nick Abregu: So, that thing just… it’s like just a patch?
Jarrod Conroy: It’s got a little pin, so it just pierces your skin. And it’s got the smarts built into that but it doesn’t… it’s not like a man in Bluetooth and things like that. All day you’re literally just hold your phone against it when you scan it. And it can hold up to eight hours of data.
Nick Abregu: So, it’s using that pass filter or it’s using that pass… it’s using data or whatever. It’s like that tapping your phone.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah! I can store the data there for eight hours and I literally just hold the phone against it. And then I’ll upload the data.
Nick Abregu: Cool, man. So, what’s that tell you? Just glucose?
Jarrod Conroy: Just glucose. I’d love that it… and would love if it’d do like ketosis as well.
Nick Abregu: But you just… it’s just inversed. It’s just, there’s only two things in there, right? Like glucose or ketones.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: So, if the glucose is down that means your ketones are high. It’s just an inverse… an inverse… I am losing my words here. An inverse number. An inverse… okay, let’s just… you know what I’m to say.
Jarrod Conroy: You know what, there’s a bunch of apps coming out now. That a lot… there’s a bunch of apps that are integrated into this because, I mean this device is just invented for people with diabetes.
Nick Abregu: Inversely proportionate.
Jarrod Conroy: Inversely proportionate, yeah.
Nick Abregu: To the glucose and…
Nick Abregu: Yeah, you can reverse engineer the equation for sure.
Nick Abregu: Yeah, because I know when… I used to take… so when I was doing keto, I would jab myself with a ketone strips just to check what’s going on. So, when my ketones were low so my glucose was through the roof. And then when my ketones were really high, glucose just dropped almost equally.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, well ideally you want a steady baseline for your glucose. So, when you eat food, you don’t want your glucose levels to spike. It’s when you eat foods that spike your initial and that’s when you’re going to have huge increases. But you’re gonna hit the… to be in ketosis you need, you know, your blood sugars to be stable essentially because soon as you eat something that spikes your blood glucose it’s going to knock you out of ketosis straight away. You know, so if you were to have a have a Coca-Cola that’s gonna… and you’re in ketosis, it’s gonna knock you out straight away and, you know, your blood glucose is going to spike. The interesting thing is with this device is like being present to the impact of eating something and how long it affects you and your blood glucose, you know, like you could eat some, you know, some deep fried chips and that’s gonna like play mayhem on you. Like glucose for the next five hours.
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jarrod Conroy: So, that’s when if, you know, if you eat something at the start of the day like a muffin. You’re gonna like your discipline and your glucose… it’s like it’s all over for the rest of the day because it lasts… it can last for five, six hours, you know.
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Why? Is it because it’s got the… it’s a low glycemic food? So, the energy gets distributed a lot slower. Is that why?
Jarrod Conroy: If it’s not larger it’d be like. Its…
Nick Abregu: So, hot potatoes are, yeah?
Jarrod Conroy: White potatoes are, yeah. And then you got all the oils and trans fats and things like that as well. So, they’re knocking your levels all over the place as well.
Nick Abregu: That’s interesting!
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah! So, I’ve only had this in a couple of days. So, it’s cool.
Nick Abregu: Did it hurt going in?
Jarrod Conroy: No, you don’t feel it.
Nick Abregu: Really?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, you can go in the sauna, you can swim with it up to the three meters in depth. And you’re kind of just last a sort of 14 days. So…
Nick Abregu: You won’t go any more than three meters deep anyway.
Jarrod Conroy: Hey?
Nick Abregu: You don’t go any deeper than three meters.
Jarrod Conroy: Not with this thing on anyway. You’ll do if you wanna go spearfishing.
Nick Abregu: You’ll short circuit. Do you spearfish?
Jarrod Conroy: I’ve been spearfishing, you know, I don’t spear my fish every night.
Nick Abregu: Do you have wet suit?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, I’ve got a wet suit, yeah.
Nick Abregu: Do you want to come with us? We’ve been spearfishing.
Jarrod Conroy: Have you? Yeah! Absolutely! And I’ve got the itch for like anything that’s sort of primal or…
Nick Abregu: Would you come down for the weekend?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, absolutely! I was at…
Nick Abregu: We go spearfishing at… in the reefs.
Jarrod Conroy: Amazing!
Nick Abregu: We’ve seen a puffer fish. Yeah? And she wanted to kill it. She had this killing mentality, I’m like, “Man, just relax. Let’s just enjoy the action.” She’s like, “Let’s kill it!”
Jarrod Conroy: It’s the primal side coming out.
Nick Abregu: It’s because I have been cooking her steaks. High fat steaks.
Jarrod Conroy: Get the tests up, get B12 up. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Yeah man, it’s amazing. So, I have a few friends that they’re really just into freediving and like they can hold their breath for four minutes, man.
Jarrod Conroy: It’s amazing, isn’t it?
Nick Abregu: I can hold my breath for I think a minute and forty in bed. And like when I’m just fully relaxed not moving. As soon as I get in the water, it’s max 30 seconds because you’re kicking and you just…
Jarrod Conroy: Heart rates going on.
Nick Abregu: And I read something that really ease my mind. So, I’ve been doing this for about two years now but on and off. So, I’m not really into it that much as I used to be. But someone said to me when you’re underwater, you feel like you’re running out of breath, like don’t panic. Just remember that when you’re in bed or when you relax and can hold your breath for like two minutes. So, when you’re running out of breath underwater just relax again. You’re not gonna die. Just slowly come back up to the top and just take it easy. yeah that really eased my mind like my brains telling me that I’m gonna die but all the training I’ve done tells me I’ve got more reserves in there. Like your heart… that you’re your diaphragm just wants to pull in that air. I just relax.
Jarrod Conroy: We can trick our mind into doing anything. It’s like a subconscious can’t tell the difference between reality and non-reality, right?
Nick Abregu: Oh, s***, that’s a good point.
Jarrod Conroy: So, I mean we can be like, you can sit here and say, you know, “I’m a billionaire. I’m a billionaire.” Your subconscious is gonna start to believe that and eventually you’re gonna become…
Nick Abregu: Well dude, you look like a billionaire.
Jarrod Conroy: Eventually gonna become on what you had constantly repeat to your subconscious mind, you know. So, it’s like one of the quickest ways to hacks everything is, you know, reimprint in your subconscious mind. And I did it this morning when you go back to the whole sort of cold-water thing. I went for a dip in the ocean this morning and it was after 30 minutes of sort of deep breath work. So, I was just like super calm and sort of connected to the earth but I moved up to the water’s edge and my toes started to touch the water. And I could feel the cold and the wind was blowing. So, I was cold that I was like, this is amazing because I know what cold does for the body and rather than being like, oh I don’t want to get in there. It’s gonna make me cold. I kind of just stood there and I was like what I’m about to do is gonna be so amazing for my body, you know. What it’s gonna do it for my brown fat and my nervous system and my mitochondria. I’m gonna feel amazing after I get out get out of here and then I just went into gratitude. I’m so grateful for this water right now. I’m about to be immersed in this cold thermogenic sort of environment. And I just got in there, it was amazing. And I ended up swimming underwater for about 45 seconds just scoping out the bottom of the ocean.
Nick Abregu: Yeah, I’m terrible with a cold. Like we’ll walk on the beach and she’ll be right into the water. And that little bit touches my turn I’m like, I can’t do it.
Jarrod Conroy: It’s very quickly to talk yourself out of it.
Nick Abregu: I’m notorious for that.
Jarrod Conroy: Three two one.
Nick Abregu: That’s true. Three two one, gets s*** done. I love that. Dude, what’s on the agenda for you in the near future? What cool s*** is going down?
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah! So, I’m all about focus, you know, and focusing on sort of the one thing on… the one thing that’s going to create the most sort of fulfilment or something that’s like, you know, aligned to my highest values. So, at the moment I’m focusing on bringing the world’s best keynotes but speakers in the biohacking space over to Australia.
Nick Abregu: That’s exciting.
Jarrod Conroy: So, you know, so they run… a lot of people are familiar with like upgrade labs over in California. And then you’ve got the health optimization summit in the UK. And then you’ve got the biohackers summit over in Europe, it’s gonna be in Amsterdam this year. But there’s nothing of its kind in Australia where we’re bringing the world’s best people. And you know, bringing, you know, a thousand plus people that are really immersed in the community together. And then you know, all the exhibitors from all over the world to showcase the latest, you know, modern science and modern technology. So, you know, bridging those worlds between the speakers and the technology and the community that’s what I’m that’s what I’m putting together at the moment so I’m pretty immersed in that at the moment and then you know working on the on the business as well so you know the three renewable energy companies: Prana Energy, Bunjil Energy and Volt Farmer are all still going through like rapid growth. You know, we’re looking at different exit strategies and, you know, private equity groups that are wanting to sort of buy into some of the businesses. We’re you know, developing our first solar farm that’s going to have the carbon soil sequestration built into it with science and data as well. So, we can create a blueprint where we can regenerate all the land and the soil throughout Australia as well. And create fertility and hydrology for a lot of the farmers that are going through drought at the moment. So, I’ve got an amazing business partner in that business Volt Farmer. So, Stephen does a lot of the heavy lift in there. And I kind of just, I’m a supporting sort of partner when he needs me but really just, you know, focusing on the culture within the businesses. Because for me that’s the most important thing. If you get the culture right, you attract the right people. And then you attract the right opportunities and the companies take care of that themselves. So, we had our first company sort of get together last week and we went through our why and where we’re going. And you know, what are our targets and what do we want to achieve this year. And I’m sort of bringing it all back to culture as well. And a big thing for me in 2020 is just having fun like as you said before you can lay down under the stars at night and be like what are we doing here, you know. So, that’s a big thing for me this year as well. It’s just having fun, you know, so we’ve got the New Wave Park in Melbourne now. So, I’ve got two or three sessions a week booked in at the Wave Park. I’m going bouldering. I’m going you know, rock climbing. We’re gonna go spearfishing. My girlfriend lives in Byron Bay, so I’m up there every month, you know, doing cool up there. And building this biohacking community, you know, we’re doing ice bars, we’re doing saunas, we’re doing you know, breathwork, all locally here and secured us. So, it’s really about having fun this year for me and consolidating the businesses that I’ve built today and really, you know, growing at this biohacking community and spreading the wisdom and the knowledge out to the wider community, so we can all have better health, feel better, and do more in the world when we have more energy to give.
Nick Abregu: Amazing. Dude it sounds like you’re living life in 2020.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, I feel really sort of purposefully driven at the moment which is, that’s when you end up in these states of flow and it’s just so euphoric. When you’re in these states because times non-existent. You choose who you want to hang out with. You choose what you want to do and it’s just, yeah, it’s like it’s a sense of euphoric sort of continuous kind of magic you know just spiraling through life. So, that’s… it’s a good place to be and having you know just having that knowing that we can choose where we’re sovereign beans that create our realities. So, we can live a life by design and a life by choice and that’s what I choose to do.
Nick Abregu: Dude that’s very uplifting. Last message to anyone listening that just get your s*** done in business and then go find yourself.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, or even the other way around. Maybe go find yourself first, you know, if you’re a little lost in between having to pay the bills and have a roof over your head. That you know, like even that’s a limitation. Like people get so stuck in fear like they can’t quit their job or they can’t leave a toxic environment because they’re in fear, you know. There’s this place is the way you can live for free. And you can go and work on, you know, organic farms you can live in shrines, there’s Vipassana retreats that are free all over the world. You can go to the Amazon and volunteer. There’re all of these places where you can actually go disconnect from these, you know, wild crazy dent cities and go find yourself in nature.
Nick Abregu: Just disconnect a bit.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, exactly. So, it’s like you don’t even need money to do these things. Money is just another construct that we’re… that a lot of people are chained too as well.
Nick Abregu: Mm-hmm, absolutely.
Jarrod Conroy: So, that would certainly be my advice for anyone that’s not happy or they don’t know where they’re going. Go and go and find yourself. Go and do Vipassana for ten days. Go and take up you know holotropic breathwork and do some sort of trauma released, you know, that’s kind of stuck in the body. All this stuff is for free, you know, natures for free as well. Go swim in the ocean every day.
Nick Abregu: Yeah, oh man. All right. Dude I want to thank you so much for coming on the podcast.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, thank you. It’s been great to connect again.
Nick Abregu: We had an awesome conversation.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, I can’t wait to work with you more. I know we’ll gonna be doing some cool stuff with marketing and videos around this biohacking event and the businesses stoked to team up with you. And…
Nick Abregu: Absolutely.
Jarrod Conroy: Shout out to… who connected us in the first place?
Nick Abregu: Fabien.
Jarrod Conroy: It was Fabien, yes.
Nick Abregu: My man. He was on this show the other day.
Jarrod Conroy: Oh, was he?
Nick Abregu: You’re gonna have to listen on that mate. There was some crazy s*** that we got.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, I can imagine. That guy was really on another level. And I’d love to reconnect with Fabes and see where he’s at in 2020.
Nick Abregu: We should do a podcast, the three of us. That’d be cool.
Jarrod Conroy: Yeah, man. That’d be okay if not, we should definitely go get a bulletproof coffee and talk all things, laughs. Yeah.
Nick Abregu: Let’s do it.
Jarrod Conroy: Great.
Nick Abregu: My man, thanks so much!
Jarrod Conroy: Awesome.
Nick Abregu: And we’re out!